Chatting, cracking knuckles, belching, bite
nail… are considered to be had habits that positively affect health.
1. Chatting
According to researchers from Rhode
Island’s Brown University, America, spending 20 minutes on chatting about other
people’s business prevent 96% people from being stressed and worried in the
nexr 4 hours.
Women who spread good news realized that
their anxiety increased 72% after 3 months.
Chatting stimulates the ability to connect
peoples and helps the brain increase secreting hormones which are able to
better the mood, reduce worries and stresses.

20 minutes of the day on chatting will help people reduce stress and tiredness.
2. Bite nail
According to a researcher studying immunity
comes from Bart and the London NHS Trust, viruses we contact when biting nail
can improve our immune systems except the hands are too dirty.

we contact when biting nail can improve our immune systems except the hands are
too dirty.
Our immune system work on memorizing and
noticing the way to cope with viruses we met. When a virus attacks us twice,
the immune system will find the memory about it to produce weapon against that
virus. This is called immune memories.
3. Belching
Belching is a natural action to discharge
the flatus and this is a usual part of digestive activities; holding it back
can lead to many issues. If you don’t belch, the flatus will remain in the
stomach and make the valve that separate the esophagus and stomach expand,
which allow the acid in the stomach go up to the esophagus, causing heartburn.
4. Cracking knuckles
A big research studying on people who did
and did not crack knuckles in the late 5 years found out that people who did
crack knuckles are totally as fine as people didn’t do that. The knuckles of
people who crack knuckles even become for flexible as they were tightened and
have more activities that are required much strength.
5. Chewing chewing-gum

chewing-gum can improve both short-term memory and long term memory.
Some latest researches showed that chewing
chewing-gum can improve both short-term memory and long term memory.
According to a new research of Rhode Island
University, chewing chewing-gum can also help the body slimmer. The research
shows that chewing chewing-gum regularly can stimulate centers relating to the
feeling of full in the brain, make us feel full and eat less. However, protect
your teeth by using non-sugar chewing-gum.