One of the most effective elements of the
rate of conceptions due to infertility treatments is that husband and wife
mental statuses. People who decide to have infertility treatments should be
relaxed and open minded, avoid being too stressed and worried because those
negative feelings can cause hormone disorders which affect the chance of
conception. On the other hand, if the wife is obese or overweight, she needs to
lose weight because the fact can prevent the ovulations. A research showed
that 12 out of 13 overweight women who lost 6kg had ovulations and the 11 out
of the 12 women had successful conception. Additionally, it’s necessary to have
about 0.4mg folic acid a day, increase the nutritional contents in daily diets
and have regular exercises.

exercise is also a necessary preparation for the infertility treatments.
To husbands, the quality of sperms plays an
important role in the success of an infertility case. So, a part from doing
exercise regularly, you need to minimize or stop drinking beer and smoking; at
the same time, do not ejaculate 2-7 days before the date of treatments in order
to have the best quality of sperms.
Drugs can also cause bad effects to the
quality of sperms. For examples, drugs like sulfasalazine or mitrofuratoine can
decrease the number of sperms; tetracycline can decrease sperm transportations;
colchicine can decrease sperm strength; anti-inflammatory drugs can badly
affect the follicular; chemotherapy cause ovarian failure.…
Another important note is that it’s
necessary to have time and financial conditions prepared for infertility
treatments. In general, the total cost of an in vitro fertilization treatments
cost 2.600$- 2900$.
Increasing the chance of conception after the treatments
To wives, resting after taking the
treatments is very important. According to a research of the Academic Medical
Center (Holland) carried out in 199 women lying on their back for 15 minutes after
having sperm injections and 192 women who stood up right then and walked after
the treatments showed that 1 out of 4 (27%) women who lied on their back
relaxing had conceptions while 17% of women who walked and took part I
activities right after that. Although the research was just carried out in a
small group of people, researchers recommend women to lying in about 10-15
minutes after sperm injections to increase the chance of conception.

lots of fresh avocado, using sunflower seed oil and olive… will help increase
3-4 times the chance of conceptions.
After taking infertility treatments, women
should have diets that contain lots of unsaturated fat to double the chance of
success. It’s resulted from the research carried out by the Massachusetts
Hospital and Birthing center (America) based on the monitions on 147 women
having intra-uterine insemination. According to that, researcher found that the
Monounsaturated fats in olive oil, sunflower seed oil, nut oil, fresh avocado,
grains, fishes… are better than any fats that are dedicated for future mothers.
Besides, there’re foods that should be avoided due to the large content of
saturated fats, such as butter (milk products), red meat… because they can
produce bad eggs for the treatment.

should avoid butter and red meat during the time taking the intra-uterine
Reorganizing the job to have time for the
infertility treatments is also very important. Therefore, you should always
seriously follow the schedules of the treatments. At the same time, avoid
having egg stimulant and ovule growth injections at home during the time doing
the intra-uterine insemination because that can lead to problems that ruin the
whole process.