When pregnant, all you need to absorb must
be under careful considerations.
Medicines are high warned. They not only
affect pregnant women but also strongly affect fetuses. The followings are
medicines that pregnant women should avoid during pregnancy.
1. Painkillers

like Ibuprofen and Aspirin can affect fetal developments.
Painkillers like Ibuprofen and Aspirin can
affect fetal developments. If you have headache, you’d better natural
2. Antifungals
Fungus is a popular issue to pregnant women,
but specialists recommend that pregnant women shouldn’t use antifungals that
are out of doctor’s prescriptions.
3. Acne medications
During pregnancy, hormone changes make
women have pimples in the face and body. In the case, they shouldn’t use acne
medications. You just have to keep the skin clean and after a small period of
time, the pimples will be gone.

can cause serious effects on fetal developments in the first 3 months of
4. Antipyretics
Medicines that contain Paracetamol which is
used for improve the fever are often recommended not to be used for pregnant
because it can seriously affect fetal developments in the first 3 months of
5. Antidepressants
Pregnant women who have antidepressants
have more chance of fetal birth defects. To reduce the tress, pregnant women
should do yoga or meditation.
6. Antihistamines

women also need to avoid using antihistamines in the period of time.
A part from antifungals, pregnant women
also need to avoid using antihistamines in the period of time. Pregnant women
had better get rid of the allergies by using natural treatments, such as
staying away from dusty places, cleaning the house and improve the immune
system by eating nutritious foods.
7. Antibiotics
There’re almost no antibiotics that are
safe for pregnant women to use. In that case, there’s no other treatment. Ask
for doctor’s opinions to have the best solutions.
8. Anti-motion sickness drugs
Pregnant women shouldn’t use the drugs
because of its harmful effects on fetal developments. Find other way to travel
without using anti-motion sickness drugs.
9. Sleeping pills
Even normal sleeping pills can harmfully
affect males and females. The effects will be more harmful when it comes to
pregnant women. If pregnant women have sleeping difficulties, remember not to
use drugs.
10. Medicinal
Though they’re made from plants but, herbs
are very various. There’re herbs that should be avoided when pregnant, such as
ginseng, aloe, rosemary….