Adding 20 following foods will help you have
a healthy heart.
Health of heart is very important to body.
The obstruction of blood in heart can cause stroke, high blood pressure,
diabetes and atherosclerosis. Therefore, we provide you with the top of 20
following foods that can eliminate the obstruction in artery and maintain a
healthy heart.
Atherosclerosis takes place when arteries
become hard because of being inflamed. Saffron has the anti-inflammatory
feature. It is the useful spice to reduce heart disease. Curcumin substance
that is found in saffron can reduce inflammation in peripheral arteries.

has the anti-inflammatory feature.
Orange is rich of vitamin C that can
prevent normal cold. However, this fruit can prevent the diseases about heart.
Orange contains pectin fiber that can reduce cholesterol. Vitamin C can
intensify the walls of artery, reduce the obstruction in artery. Orange juice
can improve the function of blood vessels.

is rich of vitamin C that can prevent normal cold.
This is the kind of fruit containing
antioxidant that can improve the walls of artery. Pomegranate is especially
good for heart because it contains antioxidant. Pomegranate can burn and
produce oxide nitrite to improve the level of blood that flows into artery.
Broccoli contains a lot of protein that is
good for vegetarian people. Broccoli contains vitamin K that is useful for the
forming of bone. Vitamin K also protects arteries from being damaged. Besides
vitamin K, broccoli is rich of fiber that can reduce cholesterol and high blood

contains a lot of protein that is good for vegetarian people.
Grain with the whole seed
You should combine grain with the whole
seed in diet to reduce cholesterol. Grain with the whole seed contains fibers
that can help arteries not be obstructed.

make artery clean, you can choose the kinds of fish that are rich of omega-3.
Sea foods are useful for people with many
different levels such as mental health, brain, eyesight, building up muscle,
and pregnant women. Omega-3 will protect your heart and reduce the
concentration of triglyceride in blood. To make artery clean, you can choose
the kinds of fish that are rich of omega-3.
Kinds of grain
Almond, peanut, walnut and hazelnut are the
kinds of grain that are friendly with heart. These kinds of grain contain
vitamin E that is the wall to protect artery. Kinds of grain also contain
fibers that can help reduce cholesterol in blood.
Olive oil
Olive oil is known to be useful for health.
It is the best kind of oil to prevent the increasing of cholesterol in blood.
Besides cholesterol, olive oil can also reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

oil is known to be useful for health.
This spice brings a lot of benefits for
people’s health. Cinnamon is used as one kind of spice as well as for desserts.
This multipurpose spice can reduce fat in blood and prevent the obstruction in
blood vessels.
10. Coffee
Although drinking coffee can affect health,
it can also improve your health if you drink coffee temperately. If you drink 4
cups of coffee every day, it will help improve your heart health.
11. Cheese
The important thing of cheese is reducing
high blood pressure to avoid strokes that relate to heart. Cheese is rich of
calcium to reduce blood pressure.
12. Tea
Tea can increase the metabolism. It can
also improve heart’s health. Tea contains an antioxidant that is called
catechin. It is similar to a shield for the wall of artery. This antioxidant
can prevent the coagulation of blood that can cause death.
13. Watermelon
Watermelon is wonderful in taking care of
skin and losing weight. Amine acid that is found in watermelon can reduce high
blood pressure. Watermelon also contains nitrite oxide that can open blood
vessels to improve the flow of blood.

is wonderful in taking care of skin and losing weight.
14. Spinach
This is one kind of food that can prevent
heart disease. Spinach contains carotene that can prevent cholesterol from
curdling in arteries. Spinach can reduce high blood pressure.
15. Tomato
As well as pomegranate, tea, tomato also
contains antioxidant to protect the walls of artery. In tomato, lycopene keeps
cholesterol with the low level.

contains antioxidant to protect the walls of artery.
16. Bean
Bean contains folic acid and fiber that can
prevent arteries be blocked. Bean is also the good source of carbohydrate.
17. Apple
Apple is similar to orange. It contains
fiber that is called pectin that can absorb cholesterol in blood. Eating apple
is a wonderful way to reduce cholesterol in blood.

apple is a wonderful way to reduce cholesterol in blood.
18. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is very rich of antioxidants. It
also contains lycopene that exists in tomato. Red grapefruit can help prevent
the harmful effect for your artery. Grapefruit is the kind of fruit that is
good for people that have diabetes.
19. Corn
You can protect your artery by consuming
corn. Corn contains fiber that can help protect your artery by eliminating
20. Garlic
Garlic helps prevent the accumulation of
too much cholesterol in blood. Compound thioallylses in garlic can fight to
against clotted blood.