Whether you exercise on the road, in your
lounge room or outdoors, these speedy calorie-zapping circuits make it easy to
stay in shape when time is not on your side.
Yes, It's a busy time of year, but let’s
face it – when are you not running 'around feeling frazzled? The last thing you
need to worry about is squeezing in exercise, so we asked top trainer Kristin
Anderson to design a plan that will work with even the craziest schedule.
"So many women give up their workouts because they assume it's a waste if
they can't do an entire routine," she says. “But that's how the weight
starts creeping on." To show you it's quality that matters, Anderson has
created three, five-minute circuits that target several muscles at once, making
each one a self-contained Super-slimmer. You can do them in your lounge room or
mid-walk, whether you have five minutes or an hour to spare. So save the guilt
for with enjoying life and your lean, sculpted body!
The plan
How it works
Do each move in every circuit in order for
one minute. Complete as many of the circuits as you can or break them up
throughout the day: one in the morning, one at lunch and one at night. The
important thing is to do what works for your life. On those rare days when
you're not as time-crunched, do all three circuits twice with a two-minute
break after 15 minutes.
You'll need
A set of 2-4 kilo dumbbells and a foam
Circuit 1: melt fat fast!
Foul shot

Imagine there's a basketball in front of
your feet. Crouch down, pretend to grab the ball and jump up, as if you were
trying to shoot a basket [shown]. Return to crouched position and repeat.
Dumbbell punch

with feet wide, toes turned out and hold a dumbbell in each hand at sides,
elbows bent and palms facing up
Stand with feet wide, toes turned out and
hold a dumbbell in each hand at sides, elbows bent and palms facing up. Lower
into a squat. Stay in squat as you punch left arm forward, rotating palm to
face down [shown]; quickly pull it back and switch arms. Continue alternating
arms as fast as you can.
Switch step

a foam roller against a wall and stand about half a metre away, facing it.
Place a foam roller against a wall and stand
about half a metre away, facing it. Place right foot on top of it, then jump up
and switch legs [shown]. Continue, alternating legs quickly
Roll back

with feet hip-width apart and hold one dumbbell with both hands in front of
chest, abs tight
Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold
one dumbbell with both hands in front of chest, abs tight. Keeping the weight
in front of your chest throughout, squat low, sit down on the ground and roll
back onto your shoulder blades, keeping knees tucked [shown]. Quickly roll
forward and stand up; repeat.
Side wall kick

with your right side about one metre from a wall with feet shoulder-width apart
and knees bent.
Stand with your right side about one metre
from a wall with feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent. Bring hands in front
of chest, elbows bent. Extend right leg out to the side and tap the wall
[shown], then the ground. Continue, tapping as quickly as you can. Switch legs
after 30 seconds.