Circuit 2: firm & burn
Super shaper
Works entire body

right knee to right elbow
Hold a dumbbell in each hand overhead and
stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat, place dumbbells on ground, then
jump legs back into plank position [A]. Bring right knee to right elbow [B],
then repeat with left knee. Jump feet up to hands, then stand up quickly,
pressing arms overhead; repeat.
Cardio switch step
See Circuit 1, move 3
Open crunch
Works core

switch step
Sit on tailbone with knees bent and off the
ground, ankles crossed and hands resting on shins [A]. Tighten abs and pull
your shoulders down. Lower torso and straighten arms and legs (in a big
"X") so they're just above the ground [B]. Hover for one second,
contracting abs harder, then sit up to the starting position again; repeat.
Side wall kick
See Circuit 1, move 5 on opposite page
Lunge to piston squat
Works legs and butt

into a squat on right leg
Hold a dumbbell in each hand at sides and
stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge back with left leg so right thigh is
parallel to ground and knee is aligned over ankle. Rise up and extend left leg
in front of you off the ground [A]. Lower into a squat on right leg [B], then
rise up and lunge back with left leg again; repeat. Switch legs after 30
Circuit 3: total body scuilpt
Single-leg seesaw
Works chest, triceps, core and butt

chest toward ground, keeping elbows tight to your body, as you lift right leg,
knee slightly bent, half a metre or so
Get in plank position with hands on a foam
roller, wrists aligned under shoulders. Lower knees to ground and keep abs
tight so body is straight from head to knees [A]. Lower chest toward ground,
keeping elbows tight to your body, as you lift right leg, knee slightly bent,
half a metre or so [B]. Return to starting position; repeat. Switch legs after
30 seconds.
Surno squat with knee lift
Works butt, legs and abs

into a squat
Stand with feet wide and hold a dumbbell in
each hand next to shoulders, palms facing each other. Lower into a squat [A],
then quickly straighten legs as you lift right knee across your body [B].
Return to squat and repeat with left knee. Continue alternating legs.
Row to fly
Works back, arms and chest

weight almost to the ground, then raise right arm out to the side to shoulder
Hold a dumbbell in right hand and get in
plank position, right palm facing left and left hand on a foam roller placed
parallel with your torso; wrists should be aligned under shoulders. Lower knees
to ground and tighten abs so body is straight. Bend right elbow, pulling weight
to your side [A]. Lower weight almost to the ground, then raise right arm out
to the side to shoulder level [B]. Return to starting position and repeat.
Switch sides after 30 seconds.
Star side plank
Works core and butt

hips raised, lift right leg
Get inside plank position on left forearm,
elbow aligned under shoulder. Balance feet on a foam roller, right hand on hip
[A]. With hips raised, lift right leg [B] and lower five times, then circle it
clockwise and counter-clockwise five times each (this should take 30 seconds).
Lift your leg as high as you can and make big circles. Switch sides and repeat.
Gyro crunch
Works core

Sit on tailbone with legs extended 45
degrees off ground and reach for toes, chest lifted [A]. Lower torso and legs
to within half a metre of the ground, crossing arms to the left as your legs
turn to the right [B] . Cross arms to the right and turn legs to the left as
you rise up to the starting position. Repeat; switch the side you start on
(arms cross to right first) after 30 seconds