Aside from the differences in your body and physiology, there
will be differences happening in the thought and lifestyle of pregnant women
each time they get pregnant.
Find out the info for pregnancy
Get pregnant for the first time, you’re eager to read all
types of books related to pregnancy, delivery to baby care, or look for
documents about each week of pregnancy to see how your child will develop.
The next time you get pregnant, you don’t spend much time mulling
over books and magazines as you used to do, as you’ve learned by heart all the
things you need, and you’re also full of experience. Sometimes, you share your
experience about pregnancy on the forum or to women getting pregnant for the
first time.
Attend the prenatal classes
In your 1st pregnancy, you enroll for a prenatal
class and don’t absent for just one session.
The next time, you think that you don’t have time to go to
class. The classes and activities for pregnant women are only for women getting
pregnant for the first time. Also, you don’t need to listen carefully to labor
or delivery, as you know too well about them.

In your 1st pregnancy, you enroll for a
prenatal class and don’t absent for just one session.
Room preparation for the baby
Being pregnant for the first time, you buy tons of things to
decorate the room for the baby, even clean everything carefully and arrange
everything in order from the 25th week of pregnancy.
In the 2nd pregnancy, you will think “The baby’s
room?” Let’s see, you will consider having your baby live in the same room with
his sister, or put the baby’s cage in your room. And finally, you just need one
week at the most to take the newborn clothes of your older baby as a preparation
for the new baby; after all, you just need to buy several things, and that’s
all the things necessary for the new baby.

Being pregnant for
the first time, you buy tons of things to decorate the room for the baby, even
clean everything carefully and arrange everything in order
In the first pregnancy, you always try to make sure that you
have the perfect diet for the fetus, as eating is very important to women
getting pregnant for the first time.
In the next pregnancy, you eat whatever convenient to you,
even the leftovers from the older child. Eating for two is just eating.
See the doctor
In the first pregnancy, just a simple symptom can make you lose
your head and get to the maternity doctor…
In the next pregnancy, if you feel something a little bit
unusual which doesn’t last for a long time and repeat, you think that you’re
fine and there’s nothing to worry about.
Think about the baby
In the first pregnancy, you think and talk about your
getting pregnant 24 hours a day…
In the next pregnancy, you have lots of other things to
think and worry about. You just care about being pregnant twice within 9
months. The first time is when you see 2 lines on the pregnancy test and the
next time is when you have rupture of membranes, and you have to get to
hospital for delivery.
Fetus movement
In the first pregnancy, feeling the first movement of the
baby in your belly makes you stop what you’re doing, no matter how important
they are. Oh god, that’s a miracle!
In the next time you get pregnant, when the child begins his
first movement that’s enough for you to recognize, that’s still amazing but you
will stick to what you’re doing and not stop to celebrate. Then, the movements
will repeat more and more, as well as get more intense.

In the first
pregnancy, feeling the first movement of the baby in your belly makes you stop
what you’re doing
8. Expectations about the baby
Get pregnant for the first time, and you think that you’re
going to give birth to an angel, a genius in the future, or at least an
unbelievably perfect and adorable child…
The next time you get pregnant, you know that before the
baby can become a great person in the future, there’re lots of possibilities
that you will have another “stubborn” child who cries every single hour and wets
your blanket and mattress which you’ve just changed.