Kiwi is one of fruits that can bring
you a healthy pregnancy.
Health benefits from kiwi
Kiwi contains a great amount of nutrients
that are good for pregnant women and their babies, such as:
Kiwi has lots of fiber, so if the pregnant
eat kiwi, it’ll not only prevent them from constipation, but also remove toxins
from the colon and reduce the risk of having skin and intestine diseases. In
addition, the pregnant who eat kiwi regularly will be able to reduce unpleasant
feelings and dyspepsia.

women should eat kiwi regularly.
Magnesium in kiwi helps improving bones,
brain and immune system of the mothers. The iron in it will prevent the
pregnant and the children from anemia.
This is one of the rare fruits that
contains 140% of daily needs of vitamin C and helps taking form of the
neurotransmitters in nervous system, performing brain functions. Kiwi also
contains strong antioxidants that help protecting RNA and DNA. Besides, that vitamin
C helps absorbing iron, preventing pregnant women and babies from anemia.
The pregnant just have to eat 1 kiwi a day
to be provided with full amounts of needed vitamin C. Additionally, kiwi is
also a source of vitamin E which is good for heart.

contains lots of nutrient that are good for the pregnant.
Kiwi especially contains a great amount of
essential folate which is very important to the pregnant and is able to reduce
the risk of having neural tube defects in the fetus as well as increase the
circulation in order to provide blood to the fetus, making it healthier.
Kiwi is rich in potassium and can be
compared to banana, but its level of calories is half as much as the banana.
The amount of salt in kiwi is low, so it can help the pregnant to stabilize
blood pressure and cardiovascular health.
Kiwi not only has the bigger level of
lutein than other fruits, but according to research, lutein in kiwi is also easily
absorbed and prevents loss of vision due to aging. Furthermore, having 2-3
kiwis a day can reduce the number of damaged cells caused by stress; reduce the
gathering of blood platelets, which can cause artery and vein occlusion.
Like any other fruits, kiwi has a certain
amount of glucose (its index of blood sugar is only smaller than refined
sugar’s), which helps pregnant women’s sweet cravings be met fully and reduces
the risk of having gestational diabetes that cause many complications to mothers
and babies.
Green and golden kiwis contain strong
antioxidants like polyphenols, carotenoids and other helpful biochemical which
all can fight against the damages caused by origin components and reduce
In general, a kiwi contains 61kcl, so this
is the healthy snack that can prevent obesity and other cardiovascular diseases
for the pregnant.
This kind of fruits is a source of lutein
and zeaxanthin which are both found in human eyes. Lutein helps preventing
macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract.
Kiwi is rich in flavonoid and carotenoid,
both of which are proved to have the abilities to fight against oxidation, and
reduce the risk of cancer for pregnant women.

part from health benefits, the pregnant can exploit the beauty functions of