Spices not only help you feel delicious but
also cure disease effectively.
In reality, a little of hot sauce, a spoon
of olive oil or cinnamon not only make you feel more delicious but also help dominate
the feeling of hungry, digest easily, improve memory and even prevent heart
disease and cancer…
Tomato sauce: reduces the risk of heart disease
Lycopene - a substance in tomato sauce - can
prevent oxidization. It helps make process of atherosclerosis slow. Researchers
of United State found out that sauce from “clean” tomatoes had the highest
content of vitamin A, C and E. You can use this kind of sauce with burgers,
French fries or you can mix it with chopped garlic and some other spices to
aromatize nutritious baked chicken.

sauce can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Black peppercorn: prevents cancer
Black peppercorn contains piperine – this
is the component making process of improving original cells that are in the
first stage of cancer. According to a research of Michigan University, America,
by limiting the quantity of original cells, the quantity that tends to form
tumor is also limited. Besides dusting on favorite dishes or aromatizing some
baked dishes, people also use black peppercorn with yoghurt or fresh fruits.

peppercorn helps prevent cancer.
Chili sauce: prevents the feeling of being hungry
A meal contains capsaicin - a component
creates degree of heat for chili sauce. This component not only reduces the
content of ghrelin but also GLP-1, hormone inhibits the feeling of being
hungry, according to a European nutritious magazine. Another research also
shows that people who drink tomato juice with capsaicin before meals in 2 days
will absorb less than 16% of the quantity of usual calories.
Cinnamon: helps blood sugar be stable
People who add ½ spoon of cinnamon to sweet
dishes, starch will make process of increasing blood sugar slow. This spice helps
increase sensitivity about insulin. Consequently, it allows people to use a lot
of sugar but it keeps blood sugar stable. Hence, cinnamon is very useful for
people who have obesity.
Olive oil: increases memory
Olive oil is in the lead that provides oleic
acid, a form of omega-9 fat acid of digestive process that is transferred into
oleoylethanolamide (OEA), a form of hormone that helps brain cells healthy. According
to a new research of California University, rodent animals that are fed with
foods containing OEA have better memory in experiments. Researchers gave
supposition that OEA transmits command in brain and has responsible for
transferring short memory into long memory and OEA seems to be memory’s
colloid. You can toss vegetables, cucumber, a little of salt vinegar, sugar and
garlic and finally pour olive oil into that mixture and you will have a
wonderful salad.

oil makes brain cells healthy.
Honey: prevents getting old
Honey’s color and quality are different
because these things depend on honey bee’s food. According to many recent
researches, honey that is black prevents oxidization stronger than honey with
bright color. Antioxidants protect cells from free source and can reduce the
risk of heart disease, cancer, declining awareness and degenerating macular
point. Pay attention that honey has strong taste, so you can use it instead of
refined sugar. When you pour it into tea or yoghurt, it will increase

helps prevent us from getting old.