Pregnant mothers need the special health protection because
of limited drug use.
Sometimes some common diseases caused by viruses or bacteria
can be protected by increasing the resistance through daily food or dietary
supplements, just take notice a little, you can protect your health well.

The pregnant mothers need to boost the nutrients in
daily meals.
Vitamin C – to increase resistance
Vitamin C does not only increase the resistance, but also
has the anti-bacterial infection in the body. Vitamin C also has an effect on
making the circuit strong to avoid bleeding as well as cellular antioxidant
Vitamin C is found in oranges, tangerines, kiwi, apricots,
guavas, parsley and dark green vegetables such as salad, broccoli, green

Vitamin C is found
in oranges.
Vitamin B6 – to relieve stress
Vitamin B6 may enhance the activity of vitamin C and is an
active dose to relieve the fatigue and stress best. Vitamin B6 is found in
yeast, wheat germ, meat, and fish.
Vitamin B12 – is the panacea against the fatigue
Vitamin B12 helps the body quickly dispel the fatigue and
regain refreshment as well as help the body absorb iron better. Vitamin B12 is
found in animal organs, eggs and milk.
Iron – to resist contamination
Iron deficiency in women and children is at risk of
infection and increases the risk of anemia. The pregnant women lack iron easily
leading to fetal malformations. Therefore, the iron supplementation is always
Tea reduces the body's absorption of iron, so pregnant women
should not drink tea after a meal with plenty of iron.
Iron is found in the pig blood, red meat, and animal liver.
So every week, you should eat a little animal liver to supply iron best for
your body.
Zinc - to strengthen the immune system
With the function of stimulating the production of white
blood cells, zinc plays an important role in strengthening the immune system
for the body. You can find zinc in meat, fish, cereal, shrimps, crabs and
Zinc also plays an important role in digestion; the adequate
zinc supplementation reduces diarrhea in children.
Magnesium – to resist stress
Magnesium has an effect on anti-stress and boost immune
body. Magnesium is found in the foods such as grains, dried fruits, soy, fish,
and vegetables.
Particularly, in the cold seasons, you have to pay attention
to the diet to provide adequate vitamins for the body against the cold,
fatigue, stress and other infections.
However, in each daily meal, it’s very difficult to measure
the amount of nutrients in the diet that may be surplus or deficit, especially
pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. So, we need an additional amount
of nutrients from powdered milk.