Nowadays, different elements in daily life, for
example, unhealthy diet and high pressure of work, make many people get old
To delay aging, women should create good
habits in life such as good eating and drinking habit, habit of taking care of
face’s skin, living scientifically and taking care of skin.
Good habit in diet can provide necessary
nutrients and improve mental health for people. Women should increase the
quantity of foods containing estrogen every day. Beautiful skin has close
relation with level of estrogen in women’s body. In addition, you should add
foods that contain selenium because it has good effect in preventing oxidation
for body. Millet and kinds of grain contain plentiful of Selen.

habit in diet can provide necessary nutrients and improve mental health for
Lacking water inside skin cells can hasten
forming of wrinkle. So, women should drink a suitable amount of water every
day. Besides, women shouldn’t ignore raw foods in daily life.
Unhappy mood will make you feel
uncomfortable. As a result, your face always frowns. Frowning all day will make
pore reduce and makes respiratory process of skin become slow. If this state
lasts, it will make depressed skin areas shrink, and as a result, it will form
wrinkles. Many researches show that stable mood will be useful for balance of
endocrine inside women’s body.
Contacting with sunlight a lot
UV beam in sunlight has bad effect on
people’s skin. This is one of the reasons that make skin get old early. Direct
sunlight will destroy plastic threads and collagen. As a result, surface of
skin becomes loose, dull and has wrinkles. So to protect skin, women should
practice habit of using sun cream when going out.
Smoking and drinking wine
Nicotine in cigarette and caffeine in wine
can make blood vessels on skin shrink and it makes skin wrinkled. Therefore,
people that smoke cigarette and drink wine a lot become older than other
people. Wine also reduces quantity of oil on skin and makes skin lose water.
That thing will indirectly affect normal function of skin.

that smoke cigarette and drink wine a lot become older than other people.
Living unhealthily
Healthy and scientific lifestyle can
prevent the risk of getting old and disease for women. When women go to bed,
they should avoid electric equipment in family. Electromagnetic wave released by
domestic electric equipment can cause danger for physical health and spirit
mood of human beings. According to medical experts, women should take a nap
every day. Short sleep not only improves spirit ability but also relaxes heart
system and reduces stress for people’s body. Besides, if women can use aspirin
with a suitable rate, they can reduce the risk of coronary, apoplexy and
improve immune ability.
Staying up late
Staying up late is enemy of skin. Lacking
in sleep will make regulating of activities of skin cells become disordered. As
a result, it will affect vitality of skin cells, especially sensitive skin area
like area of eye skin.
Not caring skin
Habit of caring skin can beautify skin and
prevent aging effectively. According to experts, women should pay attention to
caring skin when they are 20 years old. Sun cream and other products of caring
skin are necessary things for women to use. Experts advise women to use caring
skin products that contain antioxidants. Moreover, women can prevent
oxidization and aging by providing vitamin C. Besides, women should prevent
wrinkles due to their emotional expression. If women always smoke cigarettes, they
can have wrinkles around mouth.

of caring skin can beautify skin and prevent aging effectively.
Therefore, women should form good habit in
daily life to prevent aging early and different diseases in daily life.