Get shapely, toned arms in no time
with these simple exercises
Toned, defined upper arms can look so sexy;
but to get the definition that turns heads, biceps exercises are a must.
Working these muscles can make your life so much easier too – you’ll be able to
carry your shopping with ease, hit a tennis ball harder and, of course, look
amazing in your strappy summer tops
1. Biceps curl
Reps: 15
Biceps curls also target your upper back and rear shoulder muscles as they help
to keep your shoulders stable.
How to do it:
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms at
your sides and palms facing up.
Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows
and raise both dumbbells at the same time towards your shoulders.
Pause, then inhale slowly as you lower the
dumbbells back to the starting position.

2. Warrior two biceps curl
Reps: 10
each leg
This also works your glutes, hamstrings, thighs and shoulders.
Stand with your feet in a wide stance, light
dumbbells in your hands, arms at your sides.
Turn your left foot out 90° and, keeping your
hips and shoulders facing forward, bend your left knee 90° and lift your arms
to shoulder height, palms up (a).
Do a biceps curl, bringing the dumbbells to your
shoulders (b).
Slowly return to the start.

two biceps curl
3. Rotating biceps curls
Reps: 15
This also works your forearms, boosting your grip strength.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, a
dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides and palms facing your thighs (a).
Exhale and raise the dumbbells towards your
shoulders by bringing your forearms up, rotating them so your thumb turns
towards the outside of your body (b).
Your palms should be directly in front of your
shoulders in the lifted position (c).
Pause with the dumbbells in front of your
shoulders, then slowly lower the dumbbells, twisting them back to the starting

biceps curls
4. Bosu biceps curls
Reps: 15
This also helps develop your balance and co-ordination.
Step onto the Bosu and balance yourself, making
sure your legs are soft and your core is switched on (imagine you’re trying to
stop yourself peeing and draw your belly button in towards your spine).
Stand tall with your head up and your legs
nearly straight.
Start with the dumbbells in front of your
thighs, your palms facing forwards (a).
Curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders
Don’t swing them or move your elbows from your
Pause at the top (c), then lower back down with