In pregnancy, all pregnant women are anxious
about premature birth. The following methods will help pregnant women protect
themselves with the risk of premature birth.
Always keep mood stable
To avoid premature birth, future mothers
need to maintain an optimistic and stable mood. Happy emotion can improve
development of nerve system of fetus. On the contrary, unsafe, angry and
worried mood can make body excrete a lot of suprarenal gland hormones. In addition,
blood will produce harmful substance for nerve system, and as a result, it
leads to premature birth.

avoid premature birth, future mothers need to maintain an optimistic and stable
Most future mothers don’t want to have
premature birth. Therefore, maintaining an optimistic mood is an important
thing. Suffering from a lot of mentality pressures and daily stress will make
the rate of premature birth increase. Especially, if pregnant women’s emotion
isn’t stable in a long time, they can catch depression after giving birth.
Therefore, to avoid making mentality
change, pregnant women should share your thinking and feeling with your husband
and people that you trust. They should avoid keeping their emotion for
themselves because this isn’t completely useful for health.
Pregnant women especially pay attention in using pregnant
When pregnant women become pregnant women
in the 3rd month, fetus’s organs begin to form. Using kinds of
medicine can cause defect for fetus and other serious consequences.
To pregnant women that have history about death
of fetus in the womb or premature birth often use pregnant tranquillizer to
ensure health. However, using medicine needs to have certain notes because
pregnant tranquilizer can cause side effects such as making heart rate beat
quickly, making blood pressure reduce, pulmonary edema, heart failure or many
other symptoms.

women should remember that they should only use pregnant tranquillizer due to
direction of doctor and pay attention to directions in each periods.
These side effects often take place with
the low rate unless pregnant women use pregnant tranquillizer without obeying
nomination. Therefore, pregnant women should remember that they should only use
pregnant tranquillizer due to direction of doctor and pay attention to
directions in each periods.
Make a self-test regularly
Spasms are normal symptom in pregnancy.
However, in pregnancy, pregnant women need to have basic abilities to
distinguish difference of spasms and recognize unusual signs of spasms on time.
A spasm can last in 2-3 minutes with strong
movement. On the contrary, in the last months, spasms will become regular and
pregnant women won’t feel painful. When pregnant women put hand on their womb,
they will feel that their womb becomes hard.
In the 37th week, spasms will
begin. Some mothers don’t recognize this sign. When they touch their womb, they
can feel recognize spasms’ appearance with frequency that is more and more
increasing. If mothers can recognize these spasms from uterus a lot, this can
be sign of premature birth.

pregnant women recognize spasms that last in 10 minutes or longer, they should
go to medical stations immediately.
To recognize spasms exactly, pregnant women
can use the way to record frequency. If spasm lasts in 10 minutes, or longer,
even when you change posture, pregnant women need to go to medical stations