Getting the
proper latch can make or break your breastfeeding experience. Our step-by-step
guide will help you do it right.
Nursing may
be the most natural way to feed your baby, but it’s not innate. Both you and
your newborn will need to learn how to breastfeed and, truth be told,
the first few days and weeks of breastfeeding can be tough. Your commitment to
nursing and getting support—from your partner, family and friends or a professional—all
play into how successful your experience will be (see “Nursing Know-How Starts
Now,” pg. 106). But when it comes to the nitty-gritty of nursing, it’s all
about the latch.

Both you and your newborn will need to learn
how to breastfeed
“When you
get down to the technical aspects of breastfeeding, the latch is the No. 1 key
to success,” says Shari Criso, R.N., M.S.N., C.N.M,
B.C.L.C., a board-certified lactation consultant and creator of the Simply Breastfeeding
DVD. A good latch means pain-free nursing for most. Plus, when your baby is
latched on correctly, he’s able to draw the most milk from your breast, so
he’ll be well fed after every nursing session and your breasts get the message
that they need to keep producing milk— a boon for you and your baby.
If nursing
isn’t working for you or your baby, don’t fret. Here are three common newbie
challenges, and how to fix ’em:
Painful nursing
pain throughout the feeding is the sign of a bad latch. It may hurt initially
when your baby latches on, but then the pain should quickly subside. If nursing
hurts, first break the suction by placing your finger in between your baby’s
lips and your skin, then gently remove your baby from your breast and try for a
better latch.
2. A
fussy baby
If the baby
keeps pulling off and on, or wiggling around, he’s probably not comfortable.
Check that he is on his side, with his shoulders aligned with his hips, and
prop him up with an extra pillow if necessary. If he’s still fussy, he may need
to be burped.
3. Back
If you’re
feeling back pain, you’re likely leaning forward. Sit up straight and
reposition your baby so he is level with your breast. You want the baby to come
to your breast, rather than leaning over to bring your breast to him. Using a
small stool under your feet to lift your knees higher than your hips will also
help you sit tall and take the pressure off your lower back.
know-how starts now
As a
mom-to-be, now is the time to start lining up the support you need for nursing.
Talk to your husband or partner and your close family and friends about your
desire to breastfeed, take a breastfeeding class for expectant moms and, to
ensure you’ll have extra help on hand if you need it, get
the name and number of a local lactation consultant. Ask your OB-GYN or a
trusted friend for a recommendation or go to the International Lactation
Consultant Association ( to find one in your area.
3 steps
to the getting the best latch
things first: Get comfortable. Sit down and place a firm pillow on your lap;
you can use a pillow designed specifically for nursing or a regular pillow. Lay
your baby on his side, with the front of his body facing you; his head,
shoulders and hips should be in a straight line and his mouth should be level
with, and directly in front of, your nipple. If he is too low, stack another
pillow on your lap. You want the baby to come to your breast, rather than
leaning over to bring your breast to him.
1 - Determine which breast

Step 1 - Determine which breast
You’ll be
feeding from and hold your baby using your arm on the opposite side of your
body. Using the hand on the same side as the chosen breast, place your fingers
under your breast, your thumb along the side, and lift it up and forward (much
like the effect of a push-up bra). With your opposite arm, pull your baby close
to you, tilt his head back slightly and tickle his lips with your nipple until
he opens his mouth wide.
Step 2 -
Help your baby

Step 2 - Help your baby
Get as much
of your breast as possible into his mouth by placing his lower jaw on first,
well below the nipple.
Step 3 -
Tilt his head forward

Step 3 - Tilt his head forward
Placing his
upper jaw deeply onto your breast; the goal is to get your nipple as far back
into his mouth as possible. Make sure he takes the entire nipple and as much of
the areola as he can into his mouth. Keep your fingers under your breast to
help your baby stay latched on correctly; if your arm starts to get tired, prop
it up with an extra pillow.