Birth dates
Siblings born in
quick succession may have a lower risk for type 1 diabetes, a study found.
Researchers analyzed data on nearly 2,800 children with type 1 from 14 previous
studies. They found that those born within three years of an older sibling had
a 20 percent lower risk for developing type 1 than those born after a gap of
more than three years. It’s unclear why this association may exist, though the
researchers suspect that siblings who are closer in age catch each other’s
infections more often. Some experts think that too little exposure to germs can
cause the immune system to malfunction, leading to autoimmune diseases such as
type 1 diabetes.

Siblings born in quick succession may have a lower
risk for type 1 diabetes, a study found.
The juice is loose
Fruit juice is
chockfull of vitamins, but researchers report that many young children may be getting
too much of a good thing. Experts recommend that parents limit fruit juice to
just one serving (one half to three quarters of a cup) per day for children
between the ages of 1 and 6. A poll found that 35 percent of parents say that
their children drink 2 or more cups of juice a day; in low-income families, the
figure was 50 percent. This translates to extra sugar and calories too easily
swallowed, putting kids at greater risk of tooth decay and childhood obesity.

Fruit juice is chock full of vitamins
Game over?
laboratory-based studies, active video games get children moving, but little is
known about what happens when kids play the games at home. To test this,
researchers gave 78 children between 9 and 11 years old Nintendo Wii systems
and accelerometers to track their physical activity. Children given active
video games for their Wii were, in fact, no more active during the five-week
study than those who’d received standrad sit-and-click video games. These
findinds suggest that it’s still important to encourage kids to get outdoors
and that, outside a lab, video games may not get young hearts pumping.

These findinds suggest that it’s still important
to encourage kids to get outdoors and that, outside a lab, video games may not
get young hearts pumping.