Plugged milk ducts are a common phenomenon
in women who have childbirth the first time and do not have much experience.
Expression of disease is that breasts
become erection, hurt, heat, and in some cases mothers suffer fever or high
fever. Although not damage life, if the disease is not treated immediately, it can cause dangerous condition breast

Milk Duct and How to Deal With
Cause of plugged milk duct
Breast milk is created in breast and flowed
through milk ducts into milk chamber behind areola; and under stimulation of
baby’s suck, milk will out the nipples. In the ducts, because some reasons make
inner wall of tracts narrowed down (be pressed from outside or plugged inside),
breast milk cannot go out. At the jammed points, milk is agglomerated to create
gradually lumps while it is continuously produced that makes part of duct in
front of plugged point become stretch. This phenomenon also causes compression
on others milk ducts creating pathological turn, so plugged milk becomes more
Furthermore, there are some reasons causing
plugged milk duct after childbirth in many women such as: not rubbing steadily
breasts to clear off milk ducts right after birth; not getting rid of redundant
milk when babies do not suck any more causing stagnancy of milk; mother has got
cold so milk is difficult to circulate; not being hygiene and clean nipple
after feeding baby, and so on.
Signs of plugged milk duct
The first signs of plugged milk duct are
breasts becoming bigger than usual and increase the size more and more, hurt,
not discharge milk or discharge but a little even when milking. Feeling of
fever and pain increases gradually if breast milk is stagnated inside.
Canalizing milk tracts early will reduce condition of disease and limit the
highest consequences of lasting congestion.
How to clear up milk duct
by hand
Use one hand to press breasts on chest or
use two hands to put together. That will melt clotted milk. You must use power
for massaging because there is only pressing force is able to melt milk clots
that are deep in breast. Press gently in level that you can bear, move in
circle, increase gradually about 20-30 times, and then reverse. Make several

Heat jackfruit leaves and put on the hardest
If after massaging, the breasts are also
hurt, you can take hot compresses. Thanks to effect of hot water (not too hot
to suffer from burn), clotted milk will melt gradually, clear up milk flow and
help new milk go through out. Together with massaging, condition will be
improved little by little.
vacuum milk
This tool uses negative pressure to suck
milk so it is often used in the early stage when the new milk is produced and
has blocked positions near nipple. For plugged position in deep or in cystic
milk, it is very difficult to clear up because if using small pressure, the
curd cannot melt; and if strong pressure, it will damage blood vessels
seriously and make ducts stretch; especially in case that plugged milk duct
includes elements of infections. At the late stage, when that has formed big
curds, the vacuum milk is almost no effect. Therefore, only use vacuum milk
when appearing early symptoms of disease.

the late stage, when that has formed big curds, the vacuum milk is almost no
home remedies
Treatment of plugged milk duct is not
simple; for the light cases, the condition will be improved after massaging,
hot compresses, and using vacuum milk. However, there are some cases that do
not have any changes. We would like to introduce a few folk remedies that have
cured plugged milk duct effectively:
Heat jackfruit leaves, and put them on the
hardest area (nine leaves on each breast). Then, use your hands to massage,
press hard down from top. When you see the milk flow, feeding immediately. Make
repeatedly in a few days later, milk will completely clear up.
Wrap the stick rice in two soft cloth
handkerchief, put them on breast in the rule from outside to inside, and
continue until they are cold. Milk will flow well in both sides.
Slice young papaya, grill them to heat and then
apply on breasts, it also has the same effect.
How to prevent plugged milk duct
Nipples are the parts that bacteria are
easy to penetrate and plug milk rays. Therefore, it is important to note that
you should always keep breasts clean, especially the nipples and interstices of
nipples. Use a clean and warm towel to wipe the breast. Before feeding babies,
you need to clean nipples, and remove a few first drops of breast milk. And
then, if babies do not soak all milk, you should milk the rest out in order to
ensure that there is no milk clot inside causing plugged milk duct. Wipe the
nipples after babies soak.
You can try these methods as above if having clogged milk after childbirth,
but if situation does not improve, you need to see the doctor to be treated immediately in order to avoid producing
dangerous side effect such as breast abscess.