There’re many herbs can harm pregnant women
if they aren’t used in the right way.
A part from aloe, ginseng, there’re many
herbs that are good for normal people; at the same time, have the ability to harm
pregnant women and fetuses if the remedies aren’t used carefully.
There’re many pregnant women who keep seeking
herbs to buy for themselves during pregnancy. While herbalists believe that not
only is whatever originally natural efficient and cheap, but also good for
health, specialists hardly recommend pregnant women to use herbs. That’s
because using herbs doesn’t have the absolute safety guaranty. Not like
prescription drugs, herbs are vitamin sources that are not under strict control
of authorities. For that reason, the quality and efficiency of the similar
herbal kinds are not really the same.

pregnant women, herbs can be double-edged swords.
Risks when using herbs
Though you’re a fan of aloe, pregnant women
shouldn’t eat that fruit because of the risk of fetal defects and miscarriage.
Similar to aloe, ginseng can be harmful to
pregnant women, too. Overusing ginseng can cause severe allergy and lead to
diseases like hemorrhage, swelling. Particularly, women who are in the first 3
months of pregnancy are not allowed to use this herb; otherwise, they can have
vomiting or miscarriage.

Aloe can cause miscarriage.
A part from aloe, ginseng, there’re many
herbs that are good for normal people; at the same time, have the ability to
harm pregnant women and fetuses if the remedies aren’t used carefully. They can
cause uterus contractions, premature birth, fetal defects, or even cause
miscarriage. There’re some popular herbs that are harmful to pregnant women,
such as: aloe, basil, peppermint, mistletoe, dracaena’s root, ginseng, cloves… For
further information, you can learn it from newspaper, magazines, on internet or
from many herbal research foundations. However, the information that you have
is not completely precise, you should ask nutrition experts or doctors to make
sure that you’re safe using herbs and to know your suitable herbs amount.
Herbs is good for health
It depends on your health state that the
doctor can give you the right herbal prescription. You should never
self-medicate or use the prescriptions of somebody else, even they’re herbal
prescriptions. As everybody has their body operated in different ways, you
should follow your doctor’s advice to use suitable herbs during pregnancy.
There’re some safe and nutritious herbs
that pregnant women should use.
Red berry
This leaf has plenty of iron, and the
ability to improve lactation, reduce nausea and labor pain.
Some research show that pregnant women who
use red berries can reduce the risk of fetal complications and the situation
that needs interventions during labor. Besides, red berry tea is good for
uterus’s health in pregnancy. However, it’d be better using herbs in the second
or third stage of pregnancy to prevent fetal complications as well as the
mother’s health.
Mint leaf can help reduce nausea, morning
sickness and flatulence.

Mint leaf can help reduce nausea, morning sickness and flatulence.
Ginger root is able to reduce vomiting,
morning sickness and gastrointestinal disorders.
Oat straw is rich in calcium and magnesium,
helps reduce anxiety, restlessness, and skin allergies.
Alfalfa has plenty of calcium, iron,
vitamin K, minerals and reduces the risk of internal hemorrhage.
Dandelion has lots of vitamins and minerals
that support the kidney’s and liver’s functions. Additionally, it helps
discharge the excess water, which is diuretic. Nonetheless, do not over use
this herb because in the long run, it can be counterproductive.