15 minutes is all it takes
‘These moves will work multiple muscle
groups simultaneously, which saves time and burns more calories’, says
Michaels. ‘They all use bodyweight, and free weights, too, which makes them
functional movements that will improve your power, flexibility, balance,
strength and agility’.
Does each move one after the other, and
repeat three times through. Rest for at least 90 seconds between each circuit
Crunch circle with hollow man
Time: 60 seconds
Works: Abs, back and thighs
Lie face up, with your hands resting
lightly on the back of your head. Raise your legs 3-6 inches off the ground,
contracting your abs. Crunch your torso up, and then rotate it so that your
ribs draw a clockwise circle. Repeat the move in the opposite direction. Keep
alternating sides and make sure you move in a controlled manner.

circle with hollow man
Punch plank
Time: 60 seconds
Works: Shoulders, arms, chest, back, abs,
Start in a plank position, with your hands
directly beneath your shoulders and your abs pulled in and your back flat (a).
Hold the plank firm as you punch your right arm forward (b). Return to plank
and repeat with the left arm. Continue alternating sides, without lifting your
bottom or rocking your hips.

Ready, set, go
Time: 30 seconds each leg
Works: Bum, thighs and hamstrings
Stand with your feet hip-width apart,
you’re left foot in front of your right. Crouch down until your left thigh is
parallel to the ground, with your left heel on the ground and your right leg
extended behind you with your heel lifted – your chest should be resting on
your left thigh (a). Keeping your fingertips on the ground, either side of your
foot, tap your right toes in to your left heel (b) then extend your foot back
out to the start. Quickly drive your foot in and out for 30 seconds, then
switch and do this with the opposite leg for 30 seconds.

set, go
Jump kick
Time: 60 seconds
Works: Abs, bum, thighs
Stand with your feet hip-width apart,
holding your hands in loose fists near your chin. Raise your right knee so that
your thigh is parallel to the ground (a), then tighten tour abs and hop onto
your right leg, kicking your left leg up with your knee bent and thigh parallel
to the ground (b). Repeat on eth opposite leg. Continue alternating sides,
doing as many reps as you can in one minute.

Plyo push ups
Reps: 30
Works: Chest, shoulder, triceps, abs
Start in a basic push-up position, with
your knees resting on the floor and your arms straight (a). Slowly lower
yourself into a push up, then with an explosive burst, exhale and push yourself
up, lifting your hands off the floor and clapping them together (b). Land back
in a push-up, before exploding back into the air again

push ups