Perform all three moves in circuit A back
to back, then take a 20-second rest and repeat the circuit. Take another
20-second rest then perform circuit B’s moves back to back, have a 20-second
rest and repeat.
Circuit A
Kit You’ll Need
2 x 3-5 kg dumbbells
Resistance band
Skipping rope
Stability ball
1. Skipping
Area trained: Cardio

Holding the handles of the rope at
around waist height, swing the rope around one turn for each jump.
Land lightly on the balls of your
feet and slightly bend your knees as you land.
Safety Tip
Keep your shoulders back and your body
2. Press-up
Area trained: Chest, rear upper arms, core

Start in plank position with your
hands directly under your shoulders.
Keeping your body in a straight line, from
heels to shoulders, bend at your elbows to slowly lower your body towards the
Pause, then push back up to the
start. 15 seconds
Safety Tip
Keep your core tight and look towards the
3. Jumping squat
Areas trained: Bottom, thighs

Stand with your feet slightly wider
than hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
Bend at your knees and hips and push
your bottom out until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor, keeping
your chest facing forward and shoulders back.
Push through your legs and jump up as
high as you can. Land softly and repeat.
Safety Tip
Don’t let your knees come over your toes as
you squat
Circuit B
4. Skipping
As before
30 seconds

5. Resistance-B And Row
Areas trained: Upper back, front upper arms

and row
Sit on the floor with your legs
together, straight out in front of you.
Loop a resistance band around your
feet and hold the ends in each hand. Make sure there is some tension in the
band when your arms are extended.
Keeping your body still and elbows
close to your body, squeeze your shoulders together and pull the band backward,
bringing your hands toward your ribs Release the band and repeat.
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Keep your back straight throughout
6. Sit-Up Jump
Areas trained
Stomach, bottom, thighs

Lie on the floor with your legs bent
and your feet flat on the floor.
Bring your hands to your temples and
sit up, tightening your abs, to bring your upper body off the floor completely.
From here, use the momentum to stand
up and jump as high as you can. Land softly and repeat.
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Keep your gaze straight ahead