Change Your Diet
The best way to start a healthier diet is to begin slowly. Slowly stop eating foods you know are high in fat and calories. If you know you drink a lot of unhealthy beverages like sodas, coffee, or alcohol gradually switch these items out with healthier choices like tea instead of coffee and water instead of sodas.
Get online and try to find healthy alternatives to the food and drinks you normally like to consume. To keep you accountable for the type of food you eat daily you can try using a food journal so you know everything you eat each day. Food journals online have databases that will let you know the caloric and nutritional value of every food you consume.
Keeping track of information like this will help motivate you to stick to your new healthy diet. Remember that the key is to avoid completely switching over to a healthy diet because you won't commit to it. So try to eat things that aren't that healthy for you in moderation instead of completely removing it from your diet.
Eat smaller portions of certain foods and increase your vegetable and fruit intake. Along with increasing your vegetable and fruit intake try to eat more healthy carbs and whole grains. Healthy carbs and and whole grains are a great source of fiber which will help you feel satisfied for a longer time so you don't find yourself over indulging in unhealthy foods.
Also, carbs and whole grains will help you avoid developing certain diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers thanks to the antioxidants they are packed with. Avoid carbohydrates that are unhealthy for you like refined sugar, flour, and white rice.
Add more healthy fats in your diet so you can improve the function of your heart, brain, and cells. Healthy fats will also make your skin and hair look and feel great. Healthy fats are known as monounsaturated fats and you can get them from eating foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
Polyunsaturated fats are also healthy fats you need to include in your diet. Great sources of polyunsaturated fats are fatty fishes like herring, mackerel, salmon, and sardines. Avoid unhealthy fats like saturated and trans fats. Also, if you want to start eating healthy reduce your intake of sugar and salt.
Drink Water
Drinking water is absolutely necessary if you want to become a healthier you. The problem most people have with drinking water is the fact that it's tasteless. Thankfully, there are some easy things you can do to add a little touch of flavor to your water like adding lemons or fresh slices of cucumbers to your water.
The more water you drink the more energized your muscles will be, the better your skin will look, the better your liver will function, and the better your bowel will operate. There are plenty more benefits of drinking water, which is why health experts recommend people should drink at least 8 glasses of this bland liquid daily.
To help increase your daily intake of water try eating raw fruits and vegetables with a high water content, keep a bottle of water handy at all times, and try to drink a glass of water after each meal or snack.