If you are having any kind of diabetes, you should never let
your level of blood sugar reach 300 or higher as it can cause serious damages
to your organs and the other parts of the body. Things like regimens, stress, diseases
and infection can make your blood sugar levels out of control. If your level of
blood sugar is over 300, meet your doctor as soon as possible. If you have to
wait to meet the doctor or can’t find one, there’re some quick solutions that
can help you reduce the level of blood sugar.

If you are having
any kind of diabetes, you should never let your level of blood sugar reach 300
or higher.
Things you’ll need
Blood sugar monitoring devices
Low-glycemic foods

Exercise like
aerobics, jogging and jumping jack are good for the cardiovascular and the
increase in heartbeat, quick energy burning.
Do intense exercise in at least half an hour. If there’s too
much sugar in blood, the exercise can consume it and energy, which makes your
blood sugar decrease. After the half-an-hour exercise, use a blood sugar
monitoring device to check your blood sugar level. If it isn’t low enough, you
should take more exercise. Exercise like aerobics, jogging and jumping jack are
good for the cardiovascular and the increase in heartbeat, quick energy
Drink 3-4 glass of water in succeed and have urinations then
if possible. The large amount of water helps dilute the level of blood sugar
and the urination helps you to remove some sugar from your body. After having
water and urination, do a check of blood sugar level. Drink more water if the
blood sugar level isn’t low enough. If possible, do some hard exercises
requiring you to drink much of water.
Eat foods that have low level of glycemic; they help reduce
your blood sugar level. Foods like garlic, eggs, onions, peanuts and peanut
butter have low glycemic level and can help stabilize your blood sugar. Have a
fried egg with some slices of onions, peanuts or a bit of peanut butter with
celeries. You’d better balance the number of glycemic-rich and glycemic-low
foods in your daily eating.

Peanut butter is
one good food for stabilizing blood sugar index.
Tips and warnings
The tips only have temporary effects for you not able to see
your doctor. You’d better see your doctor immediately if your blood sugar level
increases seriously.