Just because you may not see much of your
legs anymore (your growing belly is stealing the show) – that doesn’t mean you
should ignore them. Your legs have an important role to play during pregnancy
and also for your new role as a mom. Leg exercises can be vital in tackling
some of the niggles of pregnancy.
Ever wondered which part of your body is
taking strain from all the extra weight you are carrying? Your back, of course!
But strong legs can help alleviate this pain and make movement easier the
closer you get to your due date. Toning your legs can also improve circulation,
which helps prevent varicose veins and leg cramps – both of which are common
ailments of pregnancy.

wondered which part of your body is taking strain from all the extra weight you
are carrying?
The exercises overleaf will get you into
the habit of using your legs, instead of your back, to pick things up. So once
you’re a mom you’ll be glad you stuck to this exercise routine, not only for
the joy of having one less body part to work on, but also for the ease at which
you will be able to pick up your baby, nappy bag and pram.
Stand facing a wall with your legs
straight, feet slightly more than hip-width apart and turned slightly out.
Place your hands on a wall or other sturdy support, or hold a 2 to 5 kilogram
dumbbell in each hand and rest the weights on your shoulders. Keep your weight
on your heels and your chest lifted as you bend both knees and lower your body
into a squat. Then straighten your legs and rise up onto the balls of your
feet. Lower your heels and repeat for 10-15 reps. Strengthens quadriceps,
hamstrings, buttocks and calves.

Alternating heel raises
Stand next to a wall with your feet
slightly farther than hip-width apart, toes and knees turned out to a 45-degree
angle. Hold onto the wall for support. Pull in your belly and drop your
tailbone. Keeping your back straight and toes turned out, bend both knees,
lowering only as far as you can without changing your pelvis position. In this
position, lift your right heel until you’re on the ball of your right foot then
lower it. Repeat with your left. Straighten both legs and repeat the entire
combination. For a challenge, lift both feet at the same time. 10-15 reps.
Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and calves.

heel raises
Hip extension and curl
Place an ankle weight around your left
ankle. Stand facing a wall and place your hands on it for support. Contract
your abs so your tailbone points down. Keeping hips square, shift your weight
to your right leg; bend your knee slightly. Flexing your left foot, lift your
leg behind you without arching your back. Do 10 reps; on the last rep, bend
your left knee, bringing your left heel up toward your buttocks in a curl.
Switch legs and repeat. Strengthens buttocks and hamstrings.

extension and curl