Try these moves for leaner legs and a
better backside, shown here by WD health director Abby C.
Split squat
Targets: All lower body muscles
A) Stand about 2 feet away from a step or
box, hands on your hips. Lift your left leg back so that your foot is on the
B) Slowly bend both knees. Keep right shin
straight up and down. Push back to start; repeat 15 times, then switch legs

Single-leg Glute Bridge
Targets: Hips and hamstrings
A) Lie on your back with your arms at your
sides. Bend your left knee to 90 degrees, with left foot flat on the floor.
B) Keeping your right leg straight, raise
your hips so you create a line from your knee to your shoulder. Hold for 10
seconds. Do 3 times on each side.

Glute Bridge
Should you...
Snooze an extra 30 minutes or wake up to
do an exercise DVD?
As long as you’re sleeping for at least 7
hours, it’s best to get up and work out, since the benefits of exercise
outweigh more slumber at this point. But if you were up late and slept less
than 7 hours (especially if your total zzz’s were under 6 hours), stay in bed!
Here’s why: Lack of enough quality sleep has been shown to cause shifts in
blood glucose levels that can increase your appetite and lead to weight gain.

long as you’re sleeping for at least 7 hours, it’s best to get up and work out,
since the benefits of exercise outweigh more slumber at this point.