There are some simple ways to have healthy
body such as standing on one foot when brushing teeth, limiting to comb hair,
or opening window when sleeping.
13. Lie
on silk wrap to avoid dry skin
If you have dry skin, you should lie on
silk fabric. It not only makes you feel more comfortable but also brightens your
skin instead of scratching the skin. Silk is also less allergic, so it is
suitable for those who have asthma or eczema.
14. Limit
to comb hair and do not dry hair by towel
Instead of drying hair by towel, you should
absorb water from hair and make it dry naturally friction will damage hair.
Furthermore, you need to use a wide tooth comb. The more you comb, the more
your hair is split end and broken.

to comb hair and do not dry hair by towel
15. Freeze
toys to remove dust
Keeping children’s toys always clean is
difficult, and some things cannot be put into the washing machine. However,
mites and bugs can cling to toys and cause itch, cough. When not be able to wash,
put toys in refrigerator; -200C temperature will kill mites and
16. When
eating out, choose fish dish
Whenever you go to restaurant, take this
chance to eat more fish instead of meat. You need to eat fish more because it
contains lower fat but higher omega which is very helpful for health.

need to choose fish when eating out.
17. Put
hands into pocket in crowded places
In crowded places such as bus, you should
put your hands into pocket or read a book. Flu virus can transfer from one to
one by contacting with hands or touching polluted surface, and then move them
on eyes and nose.
18. Walk
to work
If you do not have enough time to practice
exercises, use all chances to walk. 40 minutes per day for walking is very
benefit for cardiovascular health and lowering blood pressure.
19. Only
work in business hours
Maintaining balance between work and life
is very important for good health. So do not work over the time which you are
paid. Otherwise, it can encroach on the time you relax or do other things, as
well as increase pressure and stress.
20. Buy
snack which you do not like
Whenever buying snack for someone, be sure
it is kind that you do not like to prevent appetizer.
21. Try
new kinds of vegetables and fruits
When going to the supermarket, you should
choose kinds of vegetables and fruits which you have never tried. The more you
eat vegetables and fruits, the more nutrition you get from them.
22. Drink
soda when having heartburn
At parties, if you have heartburn, a quick
way to remove it is drinking soda, not tonic. Soda has alkalinity that
neutralizes acids causing heartburn.
23. Open
the windows while sleeping
Even it’s cold, you also open window. Body
temperature needs to be decreased to have a better sleep. Some people are wrong
when keeping temperature too warm (the ideal temperature is about 160C).
Whenever sleepless, get out of the bed and
come back later. Normally, change position about 40 times per night and lying
on hand or having torticollis will make you difficult to sleep well. Getting
out of the bed forces you change into appropriate position before continuing

the windows while sleeping
24. Lie
on back
Try to lie on back when sleeping. Lying on
one side or upside down makes face skin press down the pillow and increase
wrinkles. When waking up at night and lying on one side or upside down, change
to lie on back.