Eating much fruits and vegetables, drinking
green tea, exercising are the ways to reduce fat and diseases.
Excess fat in the body not only makes you have
an imbalanced body but also leads to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes...
According to the researches of the scientists, there are two types of fat
causing obesity. They are newly formed and long-term accumulated fat.
Especially, the metabolism of long-term accumulated fat is very difficult. So,
when people fell into perennial overweight, it is very difficult to recover
their body before.
Thus, to treat perennial overweight, you need
to destroy cellulite that mainly concentrates in the abdomen, waist, thigh, hip...
and prevent the formation of new fat.
Add plenty of vegetables to the daily diet
Instead of using foods rich in oil, sugar and
starch - the main culprits causing fat accumulation, eating plenty of
vegetables is the best way to help you have a healthy and balanced body. You
should add much vegetables and fruits in the daily menu.

vegetables to your daily diet will help you have a healthy body
The vegetables such as spinach, pennywort,
celery, salad… have the effect of weight loss. Fruits are extremely
diversified, but the best are still grapefruit, strawberry, grape, apple, pear...
These vegetables and fruits contain much vegetable protein that helps the liver
and stomach waste toxicants, increase metabolism and burn excess fat. If you
take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables in this way, your body will absorb
little calories.
Drink green tea
The studies show that green tea is good for
health. The scientific evidences show that green tea can prevent Alzheimer
disease, protect you from cancer...

tea is good for health and can prevent Alzheimer disease, protect you from
Compounds in green tea help reduce cholesterol
and increase the speed of burning fat. This is the reason why green tea is
considered the most popular keeping secret of ladies.
Exercise 45 minutes per day

exercise 45 minutes per day you will maintain a perfect body
Not lazy - that is the first element and also
the secret of anyone with perfect body. The best way to regain slenderness is
exercising. Just exercise 45 minutes per day you will maintain a perfect body.