3. Dimple squeeze
On your upper thigh, about half way towards your knee, grab
a handful of flesh and squeeze. Does it look dimpled and uneven, or smooth and
What it means
Any unevenness is a sign of cellulite. Women of all sizes
can suffer from ‘orange peel’ skin - fat deposits under the skin that give a
dimpled, lumpy effect. Hormones, genetics and, most importantly, lifestyle all
play a part. Cellulite is more prevalent in smokers, people who don’t exercise
and those who sit or stand for long periods. A high-fat, high-salt, low-fiber,
diet can also exacerbate it.

Any unevenness is
a sign of cellulite. Women of all sizes can suffer from ‘orange peel’ skin -
fat deposits under the skin that give a dimpled, lumpy effect.
What to do
Scientists agree the best way to avoid cellulite, or improve
its appearance, is to reduce the fat content of your cells by eating healthy,
low-fat foods such as fruits, vegetables and fiber, combined with regular
exercise. ‘For all the lotions and potions out there designed to treat
cellulite, the most successful cure is to shed excess water (as above) and then
team a regular exercise regime with a healthy, balanced diet,’ says Bull. ‘High
intensity exercise is particularly good for this, as it releases more
testosterone. After four weeks, the improvement is huge.’
Tight fitting jeans and underwear may contribute to
cellulite by restricting your blood circulation.
4. Skin brush
Feel the upper part of the back of your arms. Is the skin
smooth or not? Also, feel the skin on the upper, outer side of your legs. Is it
rough and bumpy?
What it means
A rough texture can indicate that your body is not absorbing
nutrients properly, or that you’re lacking certain nutrients. A rash or a few
bumps can also be a sign your body is detoxing. The body purges its waste
through its orifices and its skin.
What to do
Ensure your diet is balanced with foods from all food
groups. If you’re run-down, stressed or finding it hard to maintain a healthy
diet, supplement your diet with a multivitamin. You could also try digestive
enzyme or probiotic supplements to aid nutrient absorption.

Also, feel the
skin on the upper, outer side of your legs.