Lacking confidence is also one of the
reasons that cause depression!
Depression is imbalance about chemical
elements, especially reduces production of neural neuron whose duty is to
transmit information (serotonin, dopamine...). You can know the reason;
however, experts recommend that daily habits aren’t exceptional when the
spleenful state becomes more serious.
1. Regretting emotion and emotion that is engraved
We often regret about things that we ignore
chance to win. Our mood will be worse if we regret more and more. As a result,
it will affect result of a lot of work. The best way is that you should try to
overcome yourself, face unsuccessfulness and mistakes so that you won’t feel

mood will be worse if we regret more and more.
2. Scowling and feeling uncomfortable
This character will make you be in isolated
situation in both your house and your office and even in society. You won’t
feel pleased and feel uncomfortable when someone doesn’t satisfy you or you do
things that don’t satisfy yourself.
In a long time, this thing will make you
become violent people, you will become hazard for situations in life and
happiness and family. To prevent lifestyle like that, you should choose for
yourselves simple form of entertaining such as going to the cinema, going on
picnic, singing karaoke with friends to reduce stress and prevent depression.

can go on picnic or attend other entertaining activities to reduce stress and
prevent depression.
3. ‘Living’ in the past
Although our past is good, we cannot see
and smile with those things or think about pains that we spent. They are very
bad and they only make you become losers. You should study how to overcome sad
past and forgive yourselves about those mistakes and live with reality to have
responsibility with things that are welcoming you.

should study how to overcome sad past and forgive yourselves about those
mistakes and live with reality.
4. Inferiority complex
People that possess inferiority feature
often consider that they are weak and incompetent. In addition, they also
consider that they don’t have more remarkable characteristics than other
people, they don’t appreciate themselves, so they are unselfconfident about
their ability. To wrong awareness, they become passive, they will lack
flexibility and activeness in working because they fear that they won’t succeed
and don’t want to have responsibility about those things. Surely, this will
make you become isolated, and you will lack activities of group and have the
risk of catching diseases about nerve. As a result, they easily have
5. Jealousy or comparison
Comparison is correct in the case that
value of reality you have with things that you didn’t do or gain yet in the
past. However, you shouldn’t do this thing regularly because it can be trite
and hollow. One more important thing that you should pay attention is that you
don’t compare yourself with your closet friend or some close people. You
shouldn’t compete with other people with form of competition so that ending
will affect relationship between you and them. If you are regularly jealous
with someone, you will create wrap around you with inferiority complex,
jealousy and hesitation of communicating.