In the first time of becoming pregnant,
pregnant women can be overwhelmed by experience of women that used to give
birth and medical experts to help you have a healthy pregnancy.
Pregnant women should know 8 basic and
important things:
1. Vaccinate flu
Controlling and Preventing Disease Center
of USA advise all women vaccinate before and in pregnancy. The reason is that
pregnant women can have serious complication if they have flu more than women
that aren’t pregnant. As a result, it can bring bad effects for fetus.
Pregnant women can vaccinate flu (Flu
vaccine) if your first 3 months and last 3 months are concur with flu season. And
after that pregnant women should vaccinate flu once a year.
CDC advises that pregnant women can feel
painful in place that is injected. In some cases, mothers can nauseate, have
pain in muscles, have a fever and tiredness after injecting.
2. Eating and drinking hygiene
Toxoplasmosis disease that is caused by
parasite can cause danger for fetus, even death (especially in the last 3
months of pregnancy).
To avoid the risk of catching this disease
in pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid touching uncooked meat. In time of
processing, pregnant women should wear gloves to protect.

time of processing, pregnant women should wear gloves to protect.
3. Domestic animal
Obstetricians advise pregnant women not
raise domestic animal in house. However, if you accidentally raise some
domestic animal in house in pregnancy, pregnant women need to pay attention to
the following things:
Don’t let domestic animal eat uncooked meat
because when that animal eat uncooked meat, it can catch Toxoplasmosis and
pregnant women can infect disease from it.
Pregnant women should limit to stroke pets and
domestic animal in house. After playing, stroking pets and domestic animals,
pregnant women need to wash hands by soap.
Destroy worm, tapeworm for pets to avoid the
risk of catching parasite from bird, mouse…
4. Don’t eat for 2 people
Conception of eating for 2 people is
extremely incorrect. This thing can make pregnant women gain weight quickly and
too much. Moreover, it is harmful to pregnant women and fetus.

pregnancy, pregnant women only need to eat 300 calories every day.
Therefore, to ensure nutrition for mother
and baby in belly that can develop healthily, pregnant women only need to eat
more 300 calories every day. It means that you can increase 2-3 snacks every
day, but you should eat and drink multiform and suitably.
5. Limit to use cellphone in pregnancy
People also advise pregnant women to limit
using cellphone in pregnancy. Scientists of Yale Medical University of USA
detected that radiation from cellphone can affect fetus’s brain and cause
disorders about behaviors when children grow up.

also advise pregnant women to limit using cellphone in pregnancy.
Professor, Dr. Hugh S. Taylor, the leader
of this research showed “Radiation of cellphone can affect pregnant women and
their children”. And “Disorder about behavior of children can be caused by
contacting with cellphone’s radiation”.
6. Pay attention to depression
If you have depression in pregnancy, you
aren’t the only person that catches this disease. According to a research that
is carried out by National Health Statistics Center of USA, there are nearly 40%
of women that have depression according to level. Many people have to take
medicine to make emotion stable.
If you feel that you lose controlling in
pregnancy, the important thing is that you should go to check. You yourselves
shouldn’t take any kinds of medicine.
7. Get dressed
Pregnant women often feel hot, especially
in summer. Therefore, you should choose comfortable clothes and they have good
absorption so that your skin will be always comfortable.
You should also choose suitable shoes for
you. Normally, in pregnancy, your feet tend to be bigger, so you should buy
shoes whose size is bigger.
Flip-flop is a popular choice in summer;
however, it isn’t good for pregnant women. It can make your foot skin become
bad and it is dangerous for you because of its highly slippery feature.
8. Make up and beautify
In pregnancy, your skin becomes extremely
sensitive, so the best way is that you shouldn’t make up or make up simply in
this period.
Pregnant women should limit using cosmetics
for nourishing skin that contain Retinol because Retin-A form (stronger form of
Retinol) is agent causing some unusual births. You can replace these products
with kinds that contain vitamin C and have similar effects.
9. Do exercise

exercise is good for pregnant women in pregnancy.
Basically, doing exercise is good for
pregnant women in pregnancy; however, you should pay attention to suitable
practicing regulation for yourselves.
A research proved that in the first 3
months of pregnancy, if practicing sport with intensification about 7
hours/week, pregnant women can meet danger in pregnancy more than other women
with 3.5 times.
Consequently, pregnant women should
practice smoothly such as walking, swimming, practicing yoga…
In practice process, if you feel
uncomfortable and difficult to breathe, you should stop and go to see doctor.