That using nutritional supplement is good
anyway makes people keep taking the drugs without concerning the dark sides of
them when being used too much or in a wrong way.
Nutritional supplement is the so called
name of drugs that comprise vitamins, minerals and amino acid (the simple
substances made by protein metabolism). Those drugs can rejuvenate cells and
increase the chance of digestions. They are good for joints, bones and able to
prevent osteoporosis.

foods sensibly is the best way to provide vitamins to the body.
The kind of drugs are the most favorite
ones as it can increase life expectancy of cells and prevent dangerous diseases
like cardiovascular ones, hypertension, infections, vision disorders…. Since
the drugs contain vitamin E and C, if they are overused, the fact can lead to
vitamin A deficiency, difficulties in vitamin D absorptions (overusing vitamin
E), gastrointestinal ulcers, cystitis and urethritis (taking over 500mg vitamin
C a day).
Multi-vitamin drugs
The drugs contain many essential vitamins,
such as the B ones, vitamin C, D, E, PP. multi-vitamin drugs are widely used to
increase energy, prevent tiredness, for the recovery of illnesses…. If the
drugs are used for a long time, they can cause side effects, which due to the
excess of some vitamins. For example, the excess of vitamin D will cause an
increase in calcium in blood, which calcificates soft tissues, makes cartilages
soon turn into bones, causes kidney failures; the excess of vitamin A will
cause headache, increase skull pressure, skin inflammation and can lead to
death…. You should only provide yourself with vitamin pills when having typical
symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. Like when you have edema or slow digestions…,
you need to have more vitamin B1; children who have osteoporosis need more
vitamin D. However, to take the right vitamins that suit with your needs and
have sensible amount of them, you must have prescriptions.
Multi-mineral drugs
Those are the kinds of drugs that provide
the body with essential minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine….
Overdosing multi-mineral drugs can also cause dangerous effects due to the
excess amount of minerals.
Drugs comprising amino acid

nutritional supplements that have amino acid is necessary but, you should only
use them in case you have prescriptions.
There’re about 20 amino acids that are
necessary to the body. By insensible eating and underweight conditions, most of
us have amino acid deficiency. Using nutritional supplements that have amino
acid is necessary but, you should only use them in case you have prescriptions.
The 3B
Generally, 3B pills are used for the pains
of nerves, muscles, rheumatic and nutritional deficiency. The 3B is a
combination of vitamin B1, B6 and B12 with a content of each pill times as high
as daily needs. Therefore, when using 3B nutritional supplement, you need to
have prescriptions.
Vitamin C pills
They have the ability to increase body’s
resistances, prevent gum bleeding, aging, reduce allergies and infections. But,
you shouldn’t use them so often as the vitamin C also has side effects. Using
over 1,000mg vitamin a day can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, diarrhea,
cystitis and urethritis because of the effects of acid ascorbic. Using over 2g
vitamin C a day, can cause insomnia, build up oxalate stones, inhibit insulin
excretions, increase blood pressure and damage kidneys by the increase in
synthesis of corticoid and catecholamine.
This is a combination of calcium and
vitamin D. It can effectively prevent osteoporosis. However, you shouldn’t
overuse it because if so, you can have increases in the level of calcium in
blood, calcificate soft tissues, beef up cartilage and cause kidney failure.
Be careful when using drugs
Any drugs even nutritional supplements can
cause casualties on users if they aren’t used rightly. A part from diseases,
casualties are dangerous the most to human.

drugs even nutritional supplements can cause casualties on users if they aren’t
used rightly.
In American, it’s estimated that it takes
about 150 billion USD every year solve problems of drug casualties; there’re
5-20% of hospitalized patients have to suffer from casualties during the time
they in hospital or people who die of drug casualties….
Drugs are double-edged swords. For that
reason, you should only use them when you really need them and should see a
doctor for prescription. If you have abnormal reactions to drugs like hives,
shortness of breath or discomfort, stop using the drugs and see a doctor for
timely treatments to prevent unfortunate consequences.