Jogging is a good kind of exercises suitable
to everybody and it helps many women be in good shape and stabilize body
weight. However, there’re many people who make mistakes when jogging.
The followings are popular mistakes that
you should be avoided to make the most of the jogging.

is a good kind of exercises suitable to everybody.
Jogging too fast in the beginning
There’re many people run too fast when
starting jogging. This is very harmful to the health because that you run too
fast will make your body lose much more water rapidly before you reach the
Therefore, start jogging with a slow pace
and increase the pace gradually to keep the energy stable till you get the target.
Wearing unfit jogging shoes

sure that you buy the shoes from specialized stores and are consulted by
sellers so that your feet won’t be injured during the jogging.
Using old shoes or unfit ones can cause
injuries during the jogging.
For that reason, make sure that you buy the
shoes from specialized stores and are consulted by sellers so that your feet
won’t be injured during the jogging.
Arm position
Some people swing the arms too harsh when
jogging; some swing the arms too high. This makes the movements of the body get
heavy and the body soon gets tired, which lead to low jogging efficiency.
The ideal arm position is 90 degree about
waist and moving repeatedly.
Inappropriate clothes
Material, size, wearing too much or too
little clothes… can cause discomfort and prevent the jogging from doing its
For that reason, when jogging, you should
wear neat and fit clothes; ones that suits with the weather.
Jogging with long tribe
Many people believe that the long tribe in
jogging can help them increase the speed and efficiency of the exercise, which
is a wrong view.
In fact, the long tribe can make you get
tired fast. It also cause muscle pain around the calf. In the worse situation,
it can cause injuries for the muscles around the calf.
Accordingly, when jogging, you should make
medium and rhythmic tribe.

long tribe can make you get tired fast.
Jogging too much and using too much strength in too soon
the time
The mistake often happens to people who
start practicing; those people often get excited about the exercise.
To them, the jogging is still new, so they
devote their strength to it too soon the time at the beginning. It can cause
injuries, muscle pains, dehydration and massive loss of power.
Therefore, if you’re just a started
practicing, you should choose short paths and increase the speed gradually.
That helps you maintain the stable the strength and health.
Downhill-run mistakes
Stride that is too long or putting too much
stress on the front is the most popular mistakes when people run downhill. The
mistakes can make the body die away, injure muscle and cause purl.
The best way to run downhill is having
short and fast tribe.
Not drinking water

prevent the body from dehydration and receive effective effects from the
exercise, you should take notice of drinking water before and during the
Most people don’t know how much water their
body loses during the jogging, which leads to a neglect in providing water for
the body. This can cause them severe dehydration when exercising.
Therefore, to prevent the body from
dehydration and receive effective effects from the exercise, you should take
notice of drinking water before and during the jogging.