Electromagnetic wave from technological
devices can cause harmful effects that can affect children’s health and
Technological devices bring us a lot of
convenience in life. However, not all of the people know that electromagnetic
wave from these devices can make children’s intelligence reduce and affect
children’s health.
1. Cellphone
Radiated wave from a normal cellphone can
affect users when it gains 50 microwatts/cm. If this wave affects children,
they will have headache, nauseate and feel dizzy. In addition, in the dangerous
case, children can have problems about heart.

radiated wave from a cellphone affects children, they will have headache,
nauseate and feel dizzy.
Nerve center as well as system of internal
organs of children doesn’t develop completely. Therefore, it will have
difficulty in preventing harmful effect from radiation of cellphone.
Children’s skull structure is smaller than
adults’. Therefore, it is also affected by radiated wave more. To a child that
is 5 years old, radiated wave can affect about 50% area of brain and 30% area
of brain to children that are 10 years old.
To protect children, the best way is that
adults shouldn’t let children play with cellphone. If you must let babies use
cellphone in necessary, the best way is that you should use sticking piece to
avoid effect of radiated wave. You should limit to let children listen to phone
in a long time and you should let children use fixed telephone when children stay
at home to ensure their health.
2. TV, computer
If children regularly watch TV or use
computer, reading ability and memory of children can be reduced.
Electromagnetic wave and radiated wave from TV and computer can affect brain
and make children’s eyesight and memory reduce.

children regularly watch TV or use computer, reading ability and memory of
children can be reduced.
At this time, the exact advice is parents
shouldn’t let children sit near TV and in a long time. 2 meters is distance for
children to sit and watch TV.
In period when children are 0-4 years old,
you should limit to let children play with computer. This is extremely
important period to children’s eyes. Therefore, adults pay attention to provide
kinds of vitamin A, DHA to help children have good eyesight.
3. MP3, MP4 player
Listening music with MP3, MP4 player with
too big volume can make children have noise “noise pollution”. If children’s
time for listening to music is 80 minutes or 90 minutes, children’s ears will
be in state that lacks oxygen and it will affect hearing. If this state lasts,
children can lose appetite, feel tired and it also affects children’s health.

music with MP3, MP4 player with too big volume can make children have noise
“noise pollution”.
According to Dr. Watts – an expert that
researches about health at US Hospital, noise not only affects hearing but also
causes effects to vision.
Moreover, with small and tidy structure,
MP3, MP4 player will easily be confused with toy or candy, children can meet
danger when they put this thing into their mouth.