Therapists can message and help pregnant
women eliminate tiredness in pregnancy quickly. However, before going to spa,
women should pay attention:

all kinds of messaging oil are good for pregnant women.
High temperature and a lot of steam in
sauna aren’t good for pregnant women
oil that has flavoring
Some kinds of oil that are used to message
can cause spasm of uterus, especially in the first and second quarter. In
addition, some kinds of oil can cause allergy to pregnant women although they
used to use them normally. You should refer to expert’s idea about safeness of
messaging oil before using.
Some kinds of oil extracted from juniper,
rosemary that are recommended not to be used for pregnant women.
10. Provide
foods that are rich of Folate
Folic acid is very important in forming
neural tube of fetus including spinal cord and new important blood cells.
When you prepare for being pregnant and during
9 months of pregnancy, women should provide nutrition that is rich in folate
from natural foods such as grain, asparagus, lentil, wheat germ, orange, orange
11. Don’t
forget fresh fruits
Most of doctors advise pregnant women limit
to use caffeine during pregnancy because it can have bad effect on both mother
and fetus.
Many mothers feel that this thing is
difficult for them because they are used to drinking a cup of coffee every
morning to have an alert working day.
However, mothers should consider their
hobby because of their lovely children. You can use a glass of fresh fruit
juice to replace. This dink not only provides vitamin C that helps pregnant
women have beautiful skin but also increases resistance for the body.

women should drink fresh fruit juice.
Natural quantity of sugar in banana and
apple can help pregnant women have more energy in day.
12. Eat
fish to help babies be intelligent
In 2007, researchers carried out a research
on 12,000 children, and they recognized that children whose mothers eat fish in
pregnancy had higher IQ. In addition, their interacting skill and studying
motivation are better than those whose mothers don’t eat fish in pregnancy.
Scientists explain that fish contains a big
amount of omega 3 that is important to development of brain. However, pregnant
women should be careful with some kinds of sea fish that contain a big content
of mercury that can make newborn babies and adults be poisoned.
Pregnant women can use some kinds of fish
such as canned white tuna, salmon, shrimp, catfish. Mothers should avoid
swordfish, shark, codfish, whale because they contain higher content of mercury
than usual.
13. Use
sun cream
In pregnancy, women’s skin is sensitive
with sunlight. Women easily tan and have tanning skin.
Women should use sun cream that has SPF 30
or higher. When you go out, you should wear helmet and protect carefully.
Researches show that if pregnant women
sunbathe, this thing can affect fetus. However, women should calculate to limit
or avoid sunbathing in pregnancy.
14. Travel
with airplane
Obstetricians advise that if pregnant women
want to travel with airplane, they should only travel when fetus is about 14-28
At this time, mothers overcome period of
morning sickness, the risk of miscarriage and fetus begins to develop stably.

advise that if pregnant women want to travel with airplane, they should only
travel when fetus is about 14-28 weeks.
However, pregnant should check from general
to specific and ask for doctor’s idea about intending to travel far away or go
on a business with airplane.
Before booking ticket, you should be sure
that airline that you choose doesn’t have limitations to pregnant women.
On airplane, pregnant should drink a lot of
water to increase moisture. After 30 minutes, pregnant should move to avoid
coagulation of blood. You should choose outside seat that is near path or
15. Sometimes
you should accept desiring hobbies
Try to think that in cold days, pregnant
women crave for ice cream and they are forbidden because eating ice cream can
cause sore throat.
But when mothers aren’t satisfied with this
desire, they feel unhappy and worried… Why are we inflexible?
If you have a healthy diet that ensure
health and nutrients for fetus, you can be aware of foods that you eat are
harmful or harmless to babies.
You understand and can control your hobby.
So sometimes you can reward yourselves to do and eat things that you crave (and
obviously, it isn’t dangerous for both mother and child).
However, pregnant women should avoid foods
that aren’t cooked through or pasteurized such as cheese, runny eggs…
16. Recognize
time when you need to go to hospital
In pregnancy, usual complications can
happen and pregnant women can’t control this thing. If mothers recognize that
their body has usual symptoms that make spirit worry, it’s necessary for you to
call for your specialized doctor or go to the hospital.
You should pay attention to the following
Body is cramped in a long time.
Having spasm more than 20 minutes
Vagina bleeds or leaks out amniotic fluid.
Feeling dizzy or faint
Having difficulty in breathing
Heart palpitates
Regularly nauseating and vomiting
Having difficulty in moving, edema (inflammation
of joint)
Fetus doesn’t move.
17. Enjoy
private silence
Now you recognize that you are busy with a
pile of work at your house and office …but when your child is born, you will be
busy as twice as present.

private silence
At that time, you have less time to take
care of yourself and even not. Pregnant women can go on picnic with your
husband to suburb, speak with your close friends in a familiar store or have a
quiet day to read book or walking alone will help you relax and take balance
back for life.
So pregnant women shouldn’t hesitate and
give reasons to postpone.