The following important secrets can
help pregnant women be always healthy during pregnancy.
1. Add vitamins before being pregnant
This is a wise thing. This things show that
you have plan for a pregnancy that both mother and child are healthy.
Nerve system, especially brain and backbone
of babies will take form in the first day when mothers are pregnant. Therefore,
when pregnant women provide necessary nutrients such as folic acid, calcium,
Fe, this thing will create foundation for fetus’s development.

women should provide vitamins before and during pregnancy.
Synthetic vitamins that are used for women
that want to be pregnant and pregnant women are available at drugstore. If
women are careful, they should go to check carefully before being pregnant. In
addition, they can ask doctors to fill a prescription.
In some special cases, some people want to
nauseate and they feel difficult in drinking these kinds of medicine. They
should take medicine in the evening and then they have a snack.
Chewing gum or holding hard candy in mouth
is effective in this case.
2. Do exercise
If pregnant women want to have a healthy
pregnancy and become active women, they should create habit to do exercise
every day.
It helps women control weight, improves
blood circulation to help them sleep well. In addition, it also affects daily
mood of pregnant women.
Sports such as yoga, swimming, walking are
activities that are suitable with most of the pregnant women. But, before practicing,
pregnant women should go to check health and must get permission of specialized

is suitable for most of the pregnant women.
Although doing exercise has many benefits,
pregnant women shouldn’t abuse. Mothers should only practice about 15-20
minutes every day. You can both practice and pay attention to your health.
3. Write plans for the day of giving birth
You can write a specific plan such as: Who
you want to go to hospital with you on the day when you give birth, who is
assigned task to bring things to hospital. You can even write phone number of
taxi that you intend to call when you go to hospital.
You shouldn’t think that they are simple
and unnecessary things. When you write things that you need to do specifically,
you can detect things that are redundant or missing so that you can add on
4. Study
Although this isn’t the first time that you
are pregnant, attending antenatal classes will be useful for you. Pregnant
women will feel secure because they prepare well in pregnancy and the day of
giving birth will arrive. Mothers should remember that times of being pregnant
are different.

antenatal classes will be useful for pregnant women.
Pregnant women should find out information
that takes place in process of giving birth and technologies to take care of
newborn babies. Here, mothers can give questions that make them confused.
Moreover, you have chance to interact and making acquainted with medical staff
The important thing is that you need to
inform about medical history in your family. You should talk with doctor about
problems in the previous time of being pregnant or some congenital defects that
5. Do Kegels exercise
Kegels exercise can help women reinforce
resistance for hipbone. Moreover, it has good effect to your bladder, bowel and
When you do movements correctly, this
simple exercise will help process of giving birth become easier and prevent
unexpected urinating.
No one can know that you are doing Kegels,
so you can practice it anywhere and anytime.
6. Change habit of doing housework
Daily housework such as scouring bathroom
or tidy up animal’s waste can be harmful to pregnant women.
The reason is contacting with poisonous
chemicals, lifting heavy thing, contacting with bacteria on leather of animals
that can be harmful to you and fetus.
You should pay attention and avoid the
following things:
Lift heavy thing.
Tidy up garden ( avoid toxoplasmosis bacteria, a
disease caused by parasite and they often exist in dogs and cat).
Use strong chemicals
Stand near places that have high temperature
such as hot stove.
Use gloves after tidying up house. Wash hands
carefully after handling raw meat.
7. Follow weight
You are pregnant, so eating and drinking
are different from the past. And of course, you will gain weight in pregnancy.
Gaining weight too much will make women
have difficulty in losing weight after giving birth and it also has other
negative aspects to health. However, if pregnant women don’t gain weight a lot
in pregnancy, it will affect the development of babies, and even lead to
premature birth and light weight.
The following ideas that experts recommend
about pregnant women’s weight due to body mass index of women before they are
Weight that is under standard: gain 1.7 – 18kg
Normal: 11.3 – 15.9kg
Overweight: 6.8 – 11.3kg
Obesity: 5.0 – 9.1kg
You should
regularly follow and check weight to ensure stable speed of gaining weight.
8. Choose suitable shoes
This is the chance for you to buy a lot of
shoes for yourselves. Changes of body in each period of pregnancy will make
feet’s size of pregnant women also change.
When womb becomes bigger, it will create
pressure to pregnant women’s feet, and as a result, many women feel that they
tire their legs. In the last moths, legs have phenomenon of edema and
inflammation because of phenomenon of keeping water of foot.

women should choose shoes that are comfortable, safe and have good materials.
Shoes that are comfortable, safe and have
good material will be more suitable with pregnant women than fashionable