The world is full of freelancers,
consultants and entrepreneurs - it seems nobody has a boss any more. But how do
you break free from corporate life?
I've been in jobs since 1997, having
freelanced before. Most recently, I held a half-day position as editor of a
health website. The other half of my week was taken up with freelance
writing, some strategy and consulting work, and studying.
I took the scary step of giving up the
security of a job in July last year. And in November it became clear I'd jumped
just in time: a company-wide round of retrenchments put almost half 'my' team -
each excellent in their role – out of their jobs. Job security is a mirage.

Are You A Wage Suwe
What I see clearly now is that work security
may not lie, as it did for our parents, in a permanent position with an
established corporate. Instead, it is the person who chooses what many refer to
as portfolio working - working in several different capacities, for themselves
or for different people, simultaneously - who is best equipped to ride out
employment downturns. Security lies in self-determination.
Indie capitalis
Innovation guru Bruce Nussbaum calls the
trend to independence and entrepreneurship 'indie capitalism', and declares
that on a global level it 'may prove to be the economic and social antidote to
the failed financial capitalism and crony capitalism that no longer delivers
economic value in terms of jobs, income, and taxes...' He defines indie
capitalism as being characterized, among other things, by the fact that it's
not trading old value, but creating new value - people are making things. It's
smaller-scale, so it's social in the sense that it's connected to real needs or
wants; and... it cares about sustainability, and ethics.
From here to there

Steve Jobs never invented anything - he
simply recognized the potential of what others invented, and did it better
It's all very exciting for anyone who
fancies going out on their own, but how do ordinary people with mortgages and
children's education to plan for – people who might not consider themselves
entrepreneurs - make the transition from being wage slaves?

Mike Michalowicz, author of the book and
blog The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
In my case, I took a degree which gave me
the language to articulate what I knew - a degree that changed my perception of
how and where I could add value to others' businesses. For many people, that's
the first point: not studying, but changing self-limiting thinking.
Entrepreneur and Wall Street Journal columnist Mike Michalowicz, author of the
book and blog The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, says: you are your friends. Test
your thinking about yourself by bouncing ideas off others. Specifically, if you
want to strike out on your own, seek the company of those who have successfully
done so, and ask their advice, both in terms of their perception of what you
have to offer, and in terms of practical advice. On LinkedIn, join relevant
groups and ask well-thought-through questions: you'll be amazed at how many are
open to sharing knowledge and helping to solve problems.
Take it step by step you don't need to
be an inventor Steve Jobs never invented anything -
he simply recognized the potential of what others invented, and did it better.
Look where that got Apple. Connect With Trends Sign up for free
international online newsletters like those from or, and see what others are doing. You'll keep seeing things that
make you say: 'Oh, I could do that here!' Also, look for seminars and conferences
that relate to what you'd like to do, and attend as many as you can. It's a
great way of getting a deep understanding of the world you're entering, and
great for networking.
Plan properly A business plan is essential to obtain financing, and to provide a
roadmap for your business. Vitally, it's about getting your head right about
what you want to do, and how you're going to do it. A business plan should
include an analysis of your USP (unique selling point), a competitor analysis,
and a thorough exploration of who your stakeholders are. These can't be
superficial. Give it lots of thought, and chat to others as you put these
analyses in place. Along the way you'll find your headspace swinging around to
really understanding your new world.
Alerting the potential buyer to the service you offer or the product you've
made is critical. There are myriad ways of marketing, from online social
networking (free) to hiring professionals to do it for you (pretty pricey).
What's effective depends on what your offering is. That's why competitor
analysis is interesting – what marketing are they doing? And your USP? What's
your message, and how do you make it compelling for your target customer? Get
on top of this, and you're likely to be more successful than most who strike
out on their own.
Do the prep
Some people find it easier to make the transition through establishing their
own business. If that's your plan, find a good bookkeeper who understands small
businesses and can help you with the transition and the paperwork, from
registering your business to putting the appropriate contracts and taxation
protocols in place. Also, both SARS and the Department of Trade and Industry
have helpful sections for small business needs, or check out the excellent 'SME
Toolkit' on

Time management skills The biggest challenge is to know when to stop working. But equally,
many people struggle with a lack of external structure. If this is you, know
that you'll need to set strict parameters for yourself, because in the
free-range world, no work means no money. Self-knowledge is critical to your
People judge a book by its cover But don't get distracted by interactive websites and embossed cards.
Business comes first; window dressing follows. If your focus does not reflect
that, you need to think hard about whether you're really ready, or whether
you're simply dazzled by the idea of being your own boss. It's enough,
intially, to establish a clear visual identity by using the same colors and
typefaces on anything that will be seen by the public, like your website and
business cards.
A final word

You can build a business working on it
part-time, as I did. It's amazing how much you can get done in the evenings and
over weekends. If possible, scale down your formal job and cut your cost of
living to clear space and time to devote to growing your own business. Over a
period of months or even a couple of years, you can build up the confidence to
kick off into the middle of the pool - the water's lovely!