How to increase the quality of sleeps is one
of the most concern people.
However, there’re some misunderstandings
about sleeps preventing us from choosing unified opinions about the natural

who sleep too much time can have to face with some health issues.
Everybody needs to sleep 8 hours a night
According to a lecturer in Georgia State
University, some people have to sleep much, some people don’t; everyone has a
sleeping need that depends on identified genes. Many people think that a
qualified sleep happens when we have no trouble to fall asleep. In fact,
getting in to sleeps 15 minutes right after lying on the bed and feeling fresh
and energetic when waking up are signs of a qualified sleep. Many people say
that they sleep less than 6 hours a day and still find the body working
normally and effectively. Practically, lacking sleep in a long period of time
can cause some long-term health issues, such as stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis,
heart attack and other worrying side effects.
Sleep as much as possible
A psychiatry lecturer in Pennsylvania
University claims that people who sleep too much can have to face with some
health problems. Obesity, diabetes, headache, backache and depression are much
dangerous than sleep apnea.
Sleep more in the weekend in the attempt to make up for
the sleep deficiency

people take the weekends as the ideal time to make up for their sleep
Many people take the weekends as the ideal
time to make up for their sleep deficiencies. A few hours sleeping in excess
can ease the sleep deficiency temporarily. However, in the long run, that you
let the amount of sleep during weekends out of control, you can break your
circadian rhythm and cause hormone disorders. The habit can also mess up the
living activities, making it hard to rearrange the circadian schedule when the
new week comes.
If you can’t sleep, lie down and rest.
Lying on the bed, staring at the clock
hoping that you’ll fall asleep is one of the worst things you could do. Lying
on the bed and think about the reason causing your sleeping difficulties can
increase the feelings of worry, and make it harder to get into sleep. Repeating
opening eyes when you can’t sleep can make the brain gradually lose the
abilities of working effectively when awake. The best way to cope with the
situation is to get up, find something relaxing to do in dim lights. The change
of the atmosphere can escape you from stresses that you have in bed. After half
an hour, come back to bed and the natural sleeps will come to you.
Watching TV is also a good way to relax before sleeping

agree that we should stop watching TV or using electronic devices at least 1
hour before bed.
Distraction and relaxation are two distinct
concepts. When relaxing, breathing rhythms and heartbeat get slower, muscles
are released and we are more calm than normal. All of the things don’t happen
when we watch TV. Overusing TV to get you into sleeps can cause
counterproductive effects as the strong lights are transmitted to the brain,
making people awake, nervous, highly aware which are all no good for
stimulating a sound sleep. Specialists agree that we should stop watching TV or
using electronic devices at least 1 hour before bed.
Snoring is disturbing but harmless
The snore not only disturbs other people,
but also causes harmful effects on the ones who snore. The strong vibrations
happening when snoring damage and make soft tissues swell, which narrow
breathing tubes and minimize the amount of oxygen transmitted to the lungs and
brain. When the brain isn’t provided with the essential amount of oxygen, it
will wake the snoring people up. Researches have shown that most of snoring
people who are often found having apneas when sleeping get in to sleep as soon
as they lie on the bed. Moreover, the long-term snoring can result damaging the
heart and increase heart diseases.