Many women have the habit of eating sweets.
However, there’s not many of them knowing that eating too many sweets can
threat their health. The followings are diseases that women often have due to eating
too many sweets.

eating too many sweets have much chance of diseases.
Optic neuritis
According to pathogenesis, optic neuritis
is very complicating. One of the most reason causing optic neuritis is lacking
vitamin B1. It’s because vitamin B1 is one of nutrition sources of nerves. In
the metabolic process, glucose in the body needs to absorb lots of vitamin B1,
so eating too many sweets not only leads to eye train, but also affects other
functions of optic nerves.

of the most reason causing optic neuritis is lacking vitamin B1.
Besides, lacking B1 also affect the process
of carbohydrate oxidation of the body and is able to cause some harmful effects
on the optic nerves, which causes or increases the optic neuritis.
Vaginitis is a common disease in women.
About 75% of women will have this kind of diseases for at least, once in life.
A research has showed that the level of sugar in blood or urine of vaginitis
patient is considerately higher than normal. 90% of vaginitis patients who
reduced the level of sugar in their daily meals have a considerable decrease of
the infection or the risk of the disease’s recurrence. This means, the number
of sugar strictly relates to vaginitis.
Eating a great amount of sweet will help produce
a great deal of intermediate products during the metabolic process, such as
pyruvic acid, lactic acid… and bring the body acidosis.

a great amount of calcium is disabled, it’ll lead to calcium deficiency and
To maintain acid balance, alkalis,
magnesium, calcium, sodium… need to be enough to react to acidic substances.
Lacking calcium in the body will cause sclerosis and strain. If a great amount
of calcium is disabled, it’ll lead to calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.
According to researches, women over 50
years old eat too much sugary food are many chances suffering from gravel. The
researchers said that adding a great deal of sugar will increase the risk of
insulin secretion which is the reason of severe imbalance of cholesterol, acid
and lecithin in the gall.
Moreover, the excessive sugar can
automatically turn to fat and lead to obesity. Obesity is not only dangerous to
the young, but also middle-aged women. It’s the main reason of gravel.

is the most common state of people who have a sweet tooth.
Fatigue is the most common state of people
who have a sweet tooth. It’s because eating too many sweets can make the level
of blood sugar unstable. Furthermore, the body needs a great amount of vitamin
B1 as it has to absorb a quite amount of sugar. If the body lacks that vitamin,
it’ll affect the brain’s activities. Those are factors causing headache and