They were once the sole domain of body
builders, but these days protein powders are promoted as a way to shed excess
kilos, and according to accredited practicing dietitian Melanie McGrice,
there’s a good reason: “Protein has high satiety so it helps keep you feeling
fuller for longer, which can translate into needing to eat less food.” A
2011University of Missouri study proved that those who eat a protein-rich
breakfast consistently consume less at lunch. “But people need to be careful
not to think of protein powders as a magic bullet, so that they can eat
whatever they like, consume a protein drink and still lose weight.”
Three things to remember:
Not all powders are created equal: “Provided you’re using a nutritionally complete powder, protein
drinks used as a meal replacement can assist with weight loss,” says McGrice.
“But you have to differentiate between a straight protein powder and one that’s
nutritionally complete, otherwise you risk missing out on essential nutrients.”
While “straight” protein powders consist mainly of protein, those designed as
meal replacements should also contain a full line-up of vitamins and minerals
as well as some fibre.
Try: Products
like IsoWhey Complete, Swisse Slimshake and those that are part of the
Cambridge Weight Plan are meal replacement powders.
You need to count the kilojoules: And think about how they contribute to you overall daily intake. “If
you don’t, and have a protein drink as well as eating “too much” food, you
could consume more kilojoules than you were before,” says McGrice.
More protein isn’t always better: “Take a supplement on top of your diet and isn’t certainly possible
to consume too much protein,” says McGrice. “So, as with any supplement, I
wouldn’t recommend taking one for weight loss without seeking advice from a
dietitian or GP.”
Other health benefits
Weight loss isn’t the only reason to take
protein powders. They can also:
Preserve muscle mass: A University of Illinois
study discovered that daily protein supplements can help postmenopausal women
to avoid loss of muscle mass, which can be a common side effect of weight loss.
Muscle loss slows metabolism and, as we grow older, increases the risk of
Try: “Straight” protein powders such as
Musashi ISO8 and Body Science WPI are ideal.
Maintain bone strength: A high protein
consumption has been linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis. US
researchers have found that postmenopausal women on weight-loss diets where 30
per cent of their daily energy came from protein (which, for the average woman,
means consuming more than 140g of protein each day), risk losing bone density.
But recent research confirms the importance of adequate protein for healthy
bones, as it increases calcium absorption and the production of a hormone vital
to bone growth and density.
See “How Much Protein is enough?” (Below)
to work out the amounts of protein foods you need to consume day.
Try: Some protein powders are designed with
bone health in mind – for example, Blackmores Acti-Life Protein Powder Plus
contains calcium and vitamin D.
Encourage wound healing: “Protein is critical
for new tissue growth, so dietitians often prescribe supplements to people who
have had surgery or experienced a severe illness, to help their recovery,” says
Try: A natural, chemical-free powder, such
as 180 Nature Protein Superfood, which contains healthy extras including chia
seeds and B vitamins, can be used as a meal replacement.

What are powders made from?
Only a few types of dietary protein are
used, including:
Whey: A dairy-food byproduct, whey protein
is available as a concentrate, isolate or in a hydrolyzed form. Concentrate is
the cheapest, but it has larger protein molecules and can cause bloating.
Isolates have much the fat and lactose removed, so contain more protein per
serve, while hydrolyzed whey is the most easily absorbed.
Soy: Made from soybeans, powders like
Nature’s Way’s Instant Nature Protein are free of animal products and lactose,
which suits vegans and people with lactose or egg intolerance.
Vegie and grain sources: Powders produced
from non-soy vegetable or grain sources are available – for example, Sunwarrior
Protein Powder is made from brown rice, while Martin & Pleasance’s Vital
Protein is made from golden pea protein isolate. They’re usually gluten – and
dairy-free, and many are 100 per cent natural
What to look for?
Straight protein powders should contain at
least 75 per cent protein (75g per 100g), but more is better, because with more
protein, there’s less room for “other” ingredients. Some of these (such as
amino acids) are good for you, but some (such as flavorings, sweeteners,
thickeners and even fat and carbohydrates) are just “fillers”, used to bulk out
the powder. Meal-replacement drinks have many different components, so talk to
your dietitian about which best suits your needs.
How to take them:
Meal-replacement drinks can be used to
replace one or two daily meals, as guided by your dietitian, while protein
drinks can be taken with meals, in-between meals or first thing in the morning,
depending on your goals. Most of taken mixed with water, juice or skim milk, or
added to a “shake”.
How much protein is enough?
The average woman needs 0.75g of protein
per kilogram of body weight, increasing to 1g when pregnant or breastfeeding
and past the age of 70. It means a 40-year-old; 70kg woman needs 53g of protein
a day.
To consume 53g protein from food, you’d
need to eat:
Half a grilled chicken breast (27g protein)
100g tinned tuna (22g protein)
1.5 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese (4g