You feel like you’re being pulled in a million different
directions. Your to-do list is never-ending. You have to sneak away to find
time for yourself. We get it! Our special report can help you find the calm
that’s been eluding you.
A year after the birth of my second child, I found myself in
an unlikely place: a cardiologist’s office. For several months, I’d been
experiencing heart palpitations and my doctor and I were baffled by them. They
happened at odd moments, like the time my heart started racing while my husband
and I sipped margaritas on an outdoor patio on a lovely summer evening.

A year after the
birth of my second child, I found myself in an unlikely place: a cardiologist’s
For three days, I wore a high-tech monitor that measured my
heart rhythms. Afterward, the cardiologist explained that while I was, in fact,
experiencing abnormal rhythms, nothing was inherently wrong with my heart.
Perhaps most telling: When he looked up from my chart and said, “Do you ever,
just, relax?” I burst into tears. His prescription: I needed to slow down and
do all of the things that I logically knew were important (you know, stuff like
exercise and “me time”) but, like so many moms, didn’t think I could do because
too many other things demanded my attention. I took a hard look at my life and
made some changes, and the heart symptoms stopped nearly overnight.
For a long time, I was ashamed by the whole experience
(shouldn’t I be able to handle everything?), even though I knew from talking to
other moms that the way I felt was far from unique. According to an American
Psychological Association (APA) poll, almost a quarter of American women rate
their stress as extreme – an 8, 9, or 10 on a 1 to 10 scale – compared with 16
percent of men. In another study, the APA reports that millennials (18- to
33-year-olds) are more stressed than older generations – more than 50 percent
report that they have lain awake at night in the past due to stress. These
large societal polls reflect what Parents found in our own exclusive survey of
more than 500 moms with Quester, a research company in Des Moines. When
respondents were asked to choose from a list of words the ones that best
describe their state of mind on a typical day, 48 percent chose “stressed.”
Curiously, the next most popular answer, at 44 percent, was “happy,” suggesting
that moms aren’t necessarily unhappy because they’re stressed (or “rushed” or
“crazy busy,” the third- and fourth-place picks, at 37 and 35 percent
respectively). “Society has a ‘busier is better’ attitude,” says one mom in the
survey. “People think that if they’re not stressed they’re not doing enough.”
This all raises the question: Is feeling constantly frazzled – even if you’re
happy – the normal baseline from which we operate each day? And perhaps more
important, is being a 100-mph mom really the way you want to live?
There’s no question that stress takes its toll – on your
energy, your health, and even your relationships with your family. A study of
2,000 parents by psychologist Robert Epstein, Ph.D., professor of psychology at
the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji, ranked ten parenting skills
that predict kids’ well-being, and number two on the list was how well parents
manage their own stress.

There are, of course,
unique circumstances that cause acute stress – such as a job loss, a divorce,
having a child with special needs, or a family illness – and these situations
deserve attention
There are, of course, unique circumstances that cause acute
stress – such as a job loss, a divorce, having a child with special needs, or a
family illness – and these situations deserve attention. But in our report
we’re talking about the everyday “crazy busy,” where the end of each day feels
like crossing a finish line. With the results of our survey and an army of
experts, we developed a stress-reduction handbook to help you hop off the hype
What stress does to your body
Tension may be normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for
you. Our research revealed that 71 percent of moms have stress-related
headaches a few times a month. As for other stress-fueled conditions, 62
percent have stomachaches at least monthly, 37 percent experience heart
palpitations monthly, and 21 percent have daily back pain. (Those figures alone
could incite a panic attack.)

Tension may be
normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you
When you’re under stress, your nervous system activates your
“fight or flight” response – muscles tense, heart rate increases, adrenaline
shoots up, and blood-flow patterns change. The problem is that your body reacts
the same whether the stressor is major (a dog is chasing you) or minor (a
friend rolls her eyes at you), says Amit Sood, M.D., chair of the Mayo Mind
Body Initiative at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. “It’s like lighting
a candle in your house and having the entire fire department show up to put it
Over time, this takes a serious toll. In one study, Nobel
Prize-winning scientist Elizabeth Blackburn and her colleagues determined that
chronically stressed moms were physically ten to 17 years older than their
actual age.
Health problems that can be caused by stress:
Anxiety disorder
Autoimmune disease flare-ups
Heart disease
Increased cancer risk
Irritable bowel syndrome
Memory loss
Panic disorder
Sleep disorders
Weight gain
Don’t let finances freak you out