In pregnancy, if pregnant women aren’t
careful, they can easily have allergy.
There are a lot of disadvantage elements
from the living environment, foods that pregnant women eat can lead to allergy.
Allergy can cause disadvantages for pregnancy, so pregnant women need to
prevent so that they don’t catch this disease.
Reason that leads to allergy in pregnant women
Allergy is one of unusual reactions of
immune system. Allergy takes place when immune system is affected by some
harmful substance in environment. These substances are called allergen in
general. Allergen can be caused by mold, pets, some kinds of food, bird-mite,

can also cause allergen.
In pregnancy, activities of organs and
transforming of substances in the body of women change and the clearest change
is change of endocrine. This is reason that can make mothers have allergy and
the state of allergy can become more serious.
Popular kinds of allergy
Many women have rash on skin from becoming
pregnant to giving birth. This state not only makes patients feel
uncomfortable, annoyed but also causes bacterial contamination for skin
(scratch and it will lead to abrading and infection). In addition, it also
makes other organs of body have bacterial contamination.
Essence of fetus and metabolism of mothers
and children through placenta can be element cause typical allergy because
fetus contains strange proteins to mother’s body (protein whose origin is from
the father and sperms bring them in fertilized process). Some women vomit
seriously when they just become pregnant, they become weak, skinny. In
addition, they have rapid pulse and their blood is infected by acid in serious
situation. They can even die if they aren’t cured correctly and on time. If curing
about internal medicine doesn’t bring result, doctors can destroy fetus to save
mother and after destroying, mothers will stop vomiting immediately and they
will become normal state.

women vomit seriously when they just become pregnant, they become weak, skinny.
After a long time of abstaining too much,
some pregnant women allow themselves to eat many favorite foods at the same
time, and as a result, it can lead to the risk of serious diarrhea. In many
years later and even during their life, when they eat those foods, they will
have diarrhea.
What should you do?
People that used to have allergy before
being pregnant will make their state of allergy become more serious or
unserious when they are pregnant. People carried out a study to pregnant women
that used to have asthma, and the result shows that asthma is improved to 1/3
of cases. The number of cases that are more serious also has similar rate. To
avoid this state, you need to avoid environment that easily causes allergy for
you, avoid using foods that can cause allergy, you should drink a lot of water,
eat a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables.

pregnant women have allergy, they shouldn’t take medicine willingly, they need
to go to see specialized doctors.
Science doesn’t have enough knowledge about
allergy, so curing this disease to the every root has low effect. Most of
medicines that prevent allergy are chemicals protesting histamine (product that
body produces when have allergy). It has contraindication and is careful with
pregnant women and women that give babies the breast. Therefore, when pregnant
women have allergy, they shouldn’t take medicine willingly, they need to go to
see specialized doctors. Due to result of clinical testing, testing and asking
carefully about necessary information, doctors will decide to let you take
medicine or not. If they choose kinds of medicine, they will choose kinds that
have less harmfulness for mother and fetus.