Researchers show that capsaicin active element in chili is one wonderful kind of partial
Kinds of spice not only make your dishes
attractive but also intensify heart health, prevent attacks, cancer and

of spice not only make your dishes attractive but also prevent some diseases.
According to archaeologists, chili is used
as spice in nearly 10,000 years. It isn’t accidental when this spice is loved
so. Researchers showed that capsaicin active element in chili is a wonderful
kind of partial reliever to attacks in head, arthritis, and other chronic

active element in chili is a wonderful kind of partial reliever to attacks in
head, arthritis, and other chronic attacks.
If you eat a lot of chilies, you shouldn’t
drink a cup of water, you should drink a cup of milk Capsaicin doesn’t dissolve
in water, but in milk, it can reduce temperature of chili effectively.
Cinnamon contains a lot of nutrients,
especially anti-oxidant feature. Therefore, it can protect cells from
oxidization from free radicals. Antioxidants in cinnamon can prevent many
diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer, diabetes, and Parkinson.
Moreover, cinnamon is strong weapon that
can prevent problems about heart. Cinnamon helps insulin hormone work better.
In addition, it also helps reduce the amount of sugar in blood. This is an
important detection to patients that have diabetes. Because it can keep the
concentration of sugar in blood low and prevent diseases before it rises.
Moreover, cinnamon has remarkable effect in
preventing Alzheimer. In 2011, a research showed that extraction form
cinnamon’s bark can inhibit forming of amyloid floats to mice that catch
Alzheimer. This extraction can even restore awareness and improve moving
problem of animal.
Beth Reardon- nutritious expert, the
director of Duke Integrative Medicine Institute used to comment: “If I were a
kind of spice in all my life, I would choose saffron”. Curcumin active element
in saffron is a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer and development of
amyloid floats.

has effect in improving health of heart.
Moreover, saffron has effect in improving
health of heart. A 2012 research showed that saffron and spices that have
effect in preventing oxidization in meals will have the high content of fat.
They will help regulate neuter fat, concentration of insulin and protect heart.
Moreover, saffron has anti-inflammatory effect. In 2009, a research on a person
showed that One dose of Curcumin every day can bring similar effect ibuprofen
medicine in process of curing for patients that have regression of joint in
Ginger is used in both traditional medicine
and modern medicine to prevent problems about stomach. After a series of
researches on animal, scientists affirmed that ginger can reduce the nauseating
feeling, increase speed of digestive process of food and prevent gastritis.
Small researches show that ginger has
effect in reducing pain, including menstrual pain, muscle pain and megrim.
Moreover, this kind of spice is a wonderful choice for patients that have
regression of joint or catch other chronic inflammation.