If you are hoping to become pregnant, you
shouldn’t ignore this article!
How to increase reproductive ability (to
both men and women) is a question with a lot of answers. Fortunately, in reality,
there are many ways to improve reproductive ability. These methods have direct
relation to lifestyle, activities, diet and effort of both husbands and wives.
If you are trying to become pregnant and
you don’t have yet, you shouldn’t give up hope. Women need to know that if 84%
of couples of wife and husband have sexual relation regularly, they will have
children within 1 year. However, the time of one year seems to be long? To
maximize chance of becoming pregnant, mothers can apply the following wonderful
Recognize the time when ovum falls
This is an important thing to define the
day when it is the easiest for becoming pregnant in your menstrual cycle. Many
women don’t pay attention and don’t have knowledge about this problem. Some
people cannot define the day when ovum falls because their menstruation isn’t
regular (maybe it can be 25-35 days).

the day when ovum falls will be the 14th day of pregnancy.
Normally, women often have menstrual cycle
with about 28 days. The day when ovum falls will take place on the 14th
day of menstruation. If cycle has 25 days, the 11th day will be the
day when ovum falls. If cycle lasts in 35 days, the day when ovum falls will be
the 21st day. Women should follow their menstrual cycle to define
the time when ovum falls. Having sexual relation on these days will increase
the chance of becoming pregnant.
Try therapy of point injection
According to experts “massaging particular
areas on feet can help regulate menstruation and improve ability about falling
ovum and help body relax more”.
Creating comfortable and relaxed mentality
is a necessary thing in process of trying to become pregnant. Many scientific
evidences affirm that stress is one of the reasons that make your chance of
becoming pregnant women reduce remarkably. Therefore, you should discuss with
your doctor about this problem to find out therapy of point injection that is
suitable for you.
Feel comfortable on the bed
Many scientific evidences affirm that
choosing position for sexual relation and having sexual relation regularly with
comfortable mentality will help couples increase chance of becoming pregnant.
Lie longer
After having sexual relation, mother
shouldn’t hurry to go to the toilet immediately. You should lie on your bed
from 5 to 10 minutes. You can put a small pillow under rump. According to
experts, this thing will create chance for sperm to approach with ovum more

having sexual relation, mother shouldn’t hurry to go to the toilet immediately.
Ignore kinds of medicine
If you are using medicine or take medicine
due to prescription with any kind of medicine, you should discuss with doctor
about its effect to becoming pregnant. You need to ensure that those kinds of
medicine are safe to your reproductive ability and pregnancy.
Use thermometer
Thermometer is a simple tool, but it’s easy
to follow the day when ovum falls. In the time when ovum falls, your body’s
temperature will be higher than normal days a little.
Say goodbye to stress
Stress affects not only your mentality but
also directly to falling of ovum and ability of becoming pregnant. Therefore,
in this time, mothers should try to create comfortable mentality and ignore
unimportant worries.

affects not only your mentality but also directly to falling of ovum and
ability of becoming pregnant.
Sleep deeply
Do you know that lacking sleep also affect
ability of becoming pregnant? In the time when you and your husband try to have
children, you should try to have good and deep sleeps. According to a recent research,
you should stop using electric equipment TV, computer by reading books before
going to bed. This thing will help you sleep easily and deeper.
Add zinc
Zinc is a necessary nutrient that can
improve reproductive ability. It ensures about producing sperms that have good
quality and reduces the risk of miscarriage. Zinc is mainly found in kinds of
grain such as cashew nut, pumpkin seed, crab meat and oyster. Every day,
mothers should add about 30mg.

is mainly found in kinds of grain such as cashew nut, pumpkin seed…
Add folic acid
Although you have a healthy diet, you
should also enough folic acid for body. Therefore, you should drink more
tablets that provide this nutrient.
Control weight
Overweight or underweight is also affects
falling of ovum and your ability of becoming pregnant. Hence, you ensure to
check your weight before you try to become pregnant. You should discuss with
doctor to be consulted about standard weight or the healthiest way to lose
Add vitamin E
Vitamin E can increase mobile feature of
sperm and the ability of breaking into ovum. It also has effect on reducing
falling ovum to old women.
Have healthy diet
Diet plays an important part in helping you
become pregnant. Besides, eating and drinking healthily during pregnancy will
help you bear healthy children.
Don’t take contraceptive
Stop taking contraceptive or methods to
avoid pregnancy before 3 months when you want to become pregnant.
Practice sport
Although doing exercise is very good for
you, you shouldn’t practice beyond your ability. According to some researchers,
doing exercise during 7 days in week with heavy level and time is 45-50 minutes
in day can lead to some complicated problems about health in most women.
Pay attention to using tampon
You should limit to use tampon that has
scent vaginal deodorant or douche vagina too deeply. These things can affect pH
level in vagina and survived ability of sperm.