When pregnant, the women’s
temperature is higher than normal. In summer, the hot weather makes them feel
The followings tips will help the pregnant
to have the best health state in the next summer.
The summer weather is hot and muggy while
the hormone changing makes pregnant women easily get angry and nervous. The hot
temper of the pregnant will cause bad effects on babies, so pregnant women
should keep calm and be happy. The members of pregnant women’s family, such as:
their husbands, parents… should facilitate pregnant women’s activities, keep a
relaxing family atmosphere and help them to share the work, feelings in order
to avoid stress and reduce anger.

women’s temperature is higher than normal.
In this season, pregnant women can easily
have dehydration which causes dizziness and tiredness. Remember to drink at
least, 6-8 glasses of water a day and some cool drinks like lemon or orange
juice which are the perfect drinks to release your thirst. The fetus will be
protected from the hot weather if its mother isn’t hydrated.
The blood pressure of the pregnant is
already low, the hot weather can make it lower and cause dizziness and faint.
The pregnant in the first 3 months and the next 3 months of pregnancy can have
dizziness in summer because the hot temperature causes blood vein expansion. In
that case, you should lie on the heart’s side to improve blood circulation. If
you are at places like public area, offices, you should try to sit.
Pregnant clothes for hot weather are also
important. You should wear bright color clothes and the cotton ones which are
big for air to flow easily and prevent temperature increasing at the belly area.
At the same time, it will help you feel cool and prevent you from prickly heat.

should reduce eating hot, spicy foods.
Appetite is the popular sign in pregnancy
but you should cut down on the food that is hot and spicy. Instead of that, you
should have some snacks like salad, fruits and eat more regularly. This is a
great way to balance your blood sugar and be healthy.
You also need to take care of your personal
hygiene. The sweat glands will work a lot, so the pregnant have to take showers
and change clothes frequently. You shouldn’t swim in a pond or public pool
because the water can contain bacteria that cause infection through the
reproductive system and badly affects pregnant women’s and the fetus’s health.
On the other hand, you should take showers in an airtight room.

a book can bring you relaxation.
Relaxing is a good way to cool down the
body because you can breathe easier in a quiet environment. So, read a book,
listen to a song, sip a glass of juice, turn the fan on and enjoy yourself.
Besides, you can use facial masks made of
fresh fruits or the body ones or supply the fruits on the skin area that you
feel hot.
What should be eaten to prevent high temperature?
Pregnant women should eat a variety of
foods to keep nutritious absorption in balance. It can be 6-11 rice and bread
servings; 2-4 fruit servings, 4 vegetable and milk ones and 3 protein servings
(protein is in eggs, pork, fish, poultry, beans…)
Eat fibrous foods like rice, bread, vegetables.
Drink at least, 4 glass of milk a day or have
calcium products to make sure that you’ll receive 1000-1300 mg calcium that is
necessary to your babies and body.
Absorbing vitamin C in summer is good
too. Hence, you should eat foods that are rich in nutrients, such as
grapefruits, oranges, strawberries and broccoli.