6. Talk to your boss
Many women wonder about choosing the right
time to tell their boss that they’re pregnant. Lots of them feel stressed and
worried about it. It’s easier to understand your feelings if your boss is a
male or your job requires dynamism and strength.
An office worker said: “I was pretty
nervous when telling my boss that I’d been pregnant for 3 months. You know, the
economy’s getting rough, and when we’re pregnant; there’re many chances that we
have to receive disadvantages. Fortunately, my new female boss sympathized and
gave me chances to have a relaxing maternity leave. I really appreciate her

should be active to choose the time to tell your boss that you’re pregnant
because you cannot hide your abdomen in the next few months.
Most of women just tell people that they’re
pregnant when they are in the 4th month of pregnancy. On the
contrary, many of them are so happy to tell their colleagues about the good
You should be active to choose the time to
tell your boss that you’re pregnant because you cannot hide your abdomen in the
next few months.
Buy new clothes
There’re 2 kinds of women: one is
interested in fashion, the other try to get out of the pregnant suits.
When reaching the middle 3 months of
pregnancy, most of pregnant women need to buy pregnant suits because the
abdomen gets bigger. There are also differences between people who are pregnant
for the first time and the ones who’ve been pregnant for times.
One shared: “When I carried my first baby
girl, it took me 5 months till I bought pregnant pants. That time, my belly was
small and I’m young enough to find it unpleasant to wear pregnant pants. But
when I carried my second child, I bought pregnant clothes just soon. I was also
interested in pregnant dress.”
Take notice of baby’s stuffs
When you’re in the middle 3 months of
pregnancy, you’ll start to visualize the baby’s room that is fully furnished.
You’ll notice and be interested in other mom’s chats that relate to baby
carriage, baby bottle…
This is also the right time for you to take
looks on stuff that is necessary for the baby. Shopping for baby is a spiritual
motivation that helps you to overcome the tiredness of pregnancy.

should buy things for your baby economically and avoid wasting money on
something unnecessary.
One thing you should remember while buying
baby’s stuff is that you shouldn’t buy too much or storing stuff that is
unnecessary. You can ask for old clothes if they’re still useful. Remember that
the infant can change clothes continuously while your family has many things to
Rearrange the house
Women can do many things and they know how
to arrange things. You should take time when it comes to the 6th
month of the pregnancy to rearrange your house tidily. Besides, you should do
necessary things for your house like moving stuff, buying new furniture.

the middle 3 months of pregnancy, you should spend time rearranging your house.
This is the moment when your body is still
able to do those kinds of work. After childbirth, it takes you long time to
start thinking about arranging the house again.
The last 3 months of pregnancy
10. Check your vehicles
If pregnant women choose car to be their
transport, they should take care of the seat. In case you choose motorbike, you
should check its brake, engine, the fuel for safety. It is annoying if the car
in its half way to the hospital is out of fuel, isn’t it?
If possible, the pregnant should limit
traveling by vehicles. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, you should raise your
awareness about yours and your baby’s safety and ask your husband’s or family’s
Public transportation is also a good
choice. Remember that when you’re pregnant, you have the right to have a good
seat and ask people for help.
11. Baby’s name
Some married couples soon agree baby’s
name. However, that many choices still confuses some families; even after
having baby for a while, they still cannot find a suitable name.
In the last 3 months, you and your family should
have a serious discussion to decide the name of baby. Don’t be seek for
perfection or sophistication. The name can’t really tell all the child’s
12. Ask for maternity leave
Most pregnant women can make it safe till
the due day. Some of them want to spend time taking care of their newborns, so
they don’t want to take the day off so soon.
Specialists recommend that since you knew
your due day, you should take your day off 1 to 2 weeks before it. It helps you
to be completely relaxed and ready for the day.
13. Don’t forget your husband
Not for long, you’ll see your baby directly.
You and your husband should spend the last minutes being childless together. It
can be a romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant or in a familiar and cozy
room. No matter where it is, let’s just be happy with your love.

labor, don’t forget spending time with your husband.
14. Ready for the day
You must have had a hard time, but it was
exciting, wasn’t it? You’ll soon see your dear baby. Everything’s going to be
good when you officially become a mom.