Carrying a handbag is not simple.
It’ll be harmful if you don’t know the right way to do.
Do you have any bad habits of using
handbags? And, do you know how to choose a handbag that s “friendly” to your
Handbags which are too heavy or are used in
the wrong way can bring you headache, neck and shoulder pain. The following bad
habits are very popular.

handbags needs to be done right.
Carrying a heavy bag on one side
According to the American Chiropractic, a
handbag should weighs under 10% of your body weight. Carrying a handbag that
weighs over allowance on one side of the body can leads to backache and
shoulder pain. The heavy bag can even cause headache. Dr. Karen Erickson said:
“A handbag which lacks scientific quality creates too much pressure on
trapezius of the shoulder’s muscle; the pressure will follow the path to the
back of the skull, cause migraine and damage muscles. When walking, you should
change the side carrying the bag frequently to keep balance and comfortable
Choosing a handbag that has thin handle
A thin handle bag that is too heavy can
leave traces in your shoulders and cause pain. Especially, the metal handle
makes it worse. Large bag handle will do the weight distribution better.
“If you have to go out with a thin handle
bag, to reduce the damage on the shoulders, you should carry the bag in front
of you as a temporary method,” said Dr. Erickson.
Carrying a backpack that is too low
If you decide to buy a backpack to equally
distribute the weight, you must be sure that you can wear it right. First of
all, you need to use both of the handles, instead of one. Make sure that the
backpack isn’t too low and under your back; the perfect position is under your
lib cage, not under the waist and hipbone area.

a backpack that is too low can cause bad effects on your shoulders.
Putting the bag on the floor
This is a mistake that is hardly
recognized. The travel bags or handbags that are using daily go directly from
the bedroom to cars (trains), offices, grocery stores, restaurants, and bars,
or even public toilets, then back to the kitchen. The bag not only gets dirtier
from the travel, but also, when you put it on the floor, collects more harmful
bacteria. Do not put the bag down anytime you like; at the same time, take
notice of the bag’s hygiene daily.

not put the bag on the floor as it’s not hygienic.
Using a multipurpose bag
Avoid carrying the same bag to places and
events because it will increase the number of times you have to bring the bag.
You should use a different bag to go the gym, have a bag just for carrying
shoes, instead of carrying all in a big bag.
Notes about choosing handbag
Besides choosing style, material of the
handbag, you should take a look on the following advice in order not to harm
yourself with belongings:
A handbag that is designed with the hard and
heavy materials, metal handles or lock can be heavier. If an empty handbag is still
heavy, you may want to consider again.
Carefully check the handle or change it if you
don’t feel comfortable.
You must be sure that the length of the bag
suits your height. If the handbag is too short, you won’t be able to swing your
arms. And if it’s too long, it’ll ruin your carriage. The most suitable length
of the bag is about waist length.