When you become pregnant, you will recognize
that you are more beautiful, more confident and eat more deliciously.
More beautiful, charming in pregnancy
In reality, many women become uglier in
pregnancy. However, many women become more beautiful when they become pregnant:
their body becomes sexier, plumper and their breast becomes stretched and more
beautiful. Many men confide that they like their wives always become pregnant
because in this time, their wives become the most beautiful and charming.
Hormones in pregnancy can make your hair
become thick lissome. Besides, when you begin to become pregnant, you can feel
the development of breast clearly. This is the time when you possess the most
charming breast.
Instinct of becoming mother will rise up
Do you believe that when you begin to
become pregnant, your instinct of becoming mother will rise up? You will find
out information around about giving birth, taking care of and brining up
children. You can linger all day in stores that are for babies and you won’t
feel bored. You used to talk the hind legs off a donkey about love and shopping
in the past, you will move to topic about babies at this time.

you begin to become pregnant, your instinct of becoming mother will rise up.
Your grandmother took care of your wife
well, and so did your mother and you are the next person. There isn’t any
reason can prevent you to do this thing.
Interacted with little angel
You will feel wonderful thing when you
recognize changes in your body every day. You can feel kicking, hiccup of
little angel. You can feel things that your children are doing, children are
staying awake or sleeping, or children are talking to you.
You will be extremely happy when you can
understand things that your children want through those languages. You can sit
for hours together to talk and confide with children, listen to music together
with children. Surely, children will react with your words.
Becoming pregnant is the first step to help you create
your copy
Maybe, babies’ hair, eyes, lips are similar
to you or smile of their fathers. You will feel extremely happy when you know
that your children that will be born are similar to you and your husband.
Having ability to ask for support of other people
This is a suitable time for you to become a
princess in family. It’s too wonderful when you are going to give birth, surely
your husband will be very happy. They will love, worry and keep for health of
mothers and children more. You can freely take a rest save your health to help
mothers and babies healthy.
Not only relatives in family but also
people on roads or on public means, you will become objects that are
Eating more and feeling more delicious
Eating and drinking are art. You can take
full advantage of this art in pregnancy and you don’t have to worry about your
figure and weight. Naturally, your weight must be in the allowed limitation
because gaining weight a lot in this period isn’t good.

pregnancy, you will eat more deliciously.
Surely, if you don’t have morning sickness
or you overcome morning sickness period, you will eat deliciously and this
thing will make your mentality is improved clearly.
Finding new source of inspiration
Before becoming pregnant, many women say
“no” with music and sport. However, when many women enter to pregnancy, they
try to make babies in their womb happy and healthy by attending these

becoming pregnant, many women say “no” with music and sport; however, they try
to do these things in pregnancy.
Only in some days, they feel more comfortable,
healthier, more relaxed because of wonderful songs of Beethoven together with
simples movements of doing exercise that are good for mothers and children.
Many researches show that you can find
yourselves in this period, you can be people that are strange and new.
Not having to worry about menstruation
It’s interesting for you because you don’t
have to face menstruation in a long time (9 months). You will feel comfortable,
disinterested; you won’t worry and remember about your cycle to take tampon
with you.
This thing also means that you will “say
goodbye” with unpleasant period pains.
Becoming pregnant reduces diseases
Science proved that when you have the ability
of becoming mothers, especially in the pregnancy, you will reduce completely
the risk of catching some diseases such as breast cancer, diseases about
endothelial membrane of uterus, uterus fibroma. Moreover, you can immune
ability, late menopause…
In conclusion, becoming pregnant is useful,