When pregnant women travel with car, this is necessary thing
that they have to do. The suitable position of belt can be under belly, above
thigh, not on belly where pressure can be dangerous to fetus if accident takes
Exercise health
Pregnant women should have light and suitable practice in
pregnancy. When you practice, circulation of blood is at the highest level. This
thing will help baby’s body grow and develop completely.
Besides, when mother’s body exercises, it will improve
functional organs of the baby to stimulate and develop best.
Live glaze
If pregnant women use biological production that contain
useful bacteria for intestine such as yoghurt or yoghurt that is provided with
Probiotic, they not only are useful for pregnant women but also reduce the risk
of catching disease about slow development to babies in the future.
Think positively
According to many researches, if future mothers have bright
look, babies that they give birth will become healthy. Moreover, their
characteristics are also stronger than those of pessimistic mothers.
If your today is bad, you should try to relax with massage,
or simply breathe deeply.
Foods rich in Fe
Green vegetable, red meat, eggs, dried fruits and wheat are
foods that are rich of Fe. They are micronutrients that are necessary for the process
of creating blood and developing cells of fetus.
Small tip: wash foods that are rich of Fe, then use orange
juice to rinse. Vitamin C helps improve absorption Fe up to 4 times.
Stop drinking wine
Doctors advise pregnant women not to drink over 1 or 2
glasses of wine a week. In addition, recent researches show that drinking wine
with safe level can make babies have lower IQ index. Babies can also have
trouble about behavior.

The best way is
that pregnant women shouldn’t drink wine in pregnancy.
Be careful with peanut
Researches suggest that if you, your husband or anyone in
your family has history of eczema, asthma or allergy with peanut and products
containing peanut, you should avoid it in pregnancy because it can make babies
All of the grains are safe and the source to provide protein
that is the best for pregnant women.
Avoid people that smoke cigarette
Smoking passively in pregnancy means that you breathe about 4,000
different chemicals. They can cause cancer, death for babies and make babies
have light weight when they are born.
You should advise your husband to give up smoking cigarette.
In addition, pregnant women should avoid it by any way they can.

Smoking cigarette
can cause lung cancer and premature birth problems to pregnant women.
Drink a lot of water
Pregnant women should drink at least 2 liters of water a
day. Maybe pregnant women feel afraid of going to the toilet more. But in
reality, you need to drink more water to provide for amniotic fluid of fetus as
well as increase the amount of blood for pregnant women. This thing has purpose
to provide oxygen and nutrients that are pumped through placenta for babies.
Be honest about health, living habits
Maybe you don’t want to recognize that in the past you used
to smoke 40 cigarettes/ day. Or you used to catch sexually transmitted
diseases, but your doctor needs to know the truth to control your pregnancy
Read direction carefully before taking medicine
According to a research, there is about 39% of mothers take
medicine without direction of doctor in the first period of pregnancy. In some
cases, fetus die in the womb, or women can suffer a miscarriage or unusual
signs of fetus.
You always have to ask doctor pharmacist before using any
normal or additional medicines.
Foods that contain vitamin E
Types of seed, green vegetables and vegetable oil contain
vitamin E. According to scientists, vitamin E helps fetus limit asthma, eczema
and other allergies.
Limit to use caffeine
If pregnant women use caffeine, it will affect fetus such as
miscarriage or lacking in weight. Food standard agency advises that you should
use with the maximum rate of caffeine 300mg/day (equivalent to 4 cups of
soluble coffee, filtered coffee or 6 cups of tea…).
Adding vitamins before giving birth
Not all of the women have a scientific diet. 40% of women
don’t have healthy diet before being pregnant, so they can lack essential
nutrients in becoming pregnant.
To maximize the absorption of body, women should add
synthetic vitamins and minerals. You should pay attention to take vitamins after
Keep in touch regularly
Pregnant women should make the list of specialized doctors,
including basic information and contacting telephone number to use when
In addition, you should always keep in touch with your
relatives to ask them for help when necessary.
In 2002, there is 5/1000 of the cases that fetus die in the
womb. And from 1981, before pregnant women were pregnant in the first time,
they were advised to use folic acid. As a result, defect about neural pipe
reduced 85%.
In reality, at present young mothers have good condition
about economy, medical care and a better educating foundation to improve
reproductive health for both mothers and babies. 9 months of pregnancy will be
very meaningful when you know the way how to choose and calculate among safe
things and put foundation to help baby’s future develop completely.