Pregnant women should remember the ways to help babies be
always healthy since they are” budding”.
Air outdoor
In pregnancy, pregnant women should sunbathe in the early
morning. At this time, sunlight helps mothers absorb magnesium to improve the development
of muscles of fetus.

Sunbathing is also
the best way to provide babies with calcium.
Besides, sunlight is a natural medicine to synthesize
calcium and phosphorus to help babies have healthy teeth and bones.
Lying posture
When pregnant women lie to sleep, they should turn to the
left side. That thing will improve blood flow for fetus.
If you lie on your front, it will create a lot of pressure
for baby. If you lie on your back, you can limit the blood flow to heart and
the result is that it will make pregnant women feel dizzy.
You shouldn’t abstain from urinating
Enduring to urinate will increase the risk of catching
infected disease about urinary. In serious case, it even leads to premature
Cream to prevent getting old
Pregnant women should be careful with using cosmetic in
In some products that contain a small quantity of vitamin A
or Retinol chemical. These components relate to many congenital anomaly. Before
using, pregnant women should read labels to know surely about products that
they are using contain Retinol.
Pay attention to movements of babies
If babies suddenly stop to move or move little/much
unusually, pregnant women should ask specialized doctors for advice to follow
and carry out necessary experiments.
Go to see dentist
Checking teeth and mouth periodically is an important thing
before and in pregnancy.
According to a recent research, if pregnant women often take
care of health of teeth and mouth such as taking tartar, polishing teeth, these
activities can reduce 84% of the risk. Consequently, pregnant women should make
schedule to go to see dentist.
Avoid tidying up
Pregnant women should avoid work such as cleaning garbage
and wild grass in garden. Sand and wild cats can contain toxoplasmosis - a
parasite can cause blind and injury for brain of fetus.
If pregnant women cannot ask someone for help, before doing,
pregnant women should wear gloves and comforter.
Talk with children
According to many researches, when babies are in their
mothers’ womb, they can receive sound stimulation through parents’ voice.
Talking with children every day will help them improve hearing function, language
development and motor system.
This thing also affects baby’s confidence and it even makes
babies sleep better in the next periods.
Experience of relatives
You should ask your grandmother, mother, aunt about their
previous pregnancy. They not only provide you with precious experience about
taking care of pregnancy but also show genetic elements that relate to
reproductive function.
If women in your family have prehistoric puerperal eclampsia
or diabetes, you will have the risk to catch these diseases. Consequently, you
should provide doctors with this information to help you control pregnancy more
Eat fish oil
Some kinds of fish such as salmon, codfish, tuna, sardine…
contain most of the omega 3, 6 fatty acids. These are nutrients that not only
is important to development of brain and eyesight ability of babies but also
help reduce the risk of premature birth.

Pregnant women
should eat oil fish 2 times/week.
Carry out experiment
Pregnant women should calculate about doing experiment about
streptococcus group B (GBS). This is a popular infected form. Among them, it is
in the rare case and it can make fetus die in the womb or death at newborn
Safe work
Pregnant women need to consider safeness as well as health
of pregnant women to work, working environment. If your work has effect on
fetus, employers have to reduce the risks or appoint you to do another work
that is suitable with you.
Use bath water with suitable temperature
Pregnant women shouldn’t dip their body in too hot tank.
This thing causes effect to the nerve system of fetus.
Besides, high temperature and hot steam can make pregnant
women sweat, feel dizzy and have rash skin.
Add folic acid
Folic acid helps prevent defect of nerve pipe such as
disease of breaking vertebra and phenomenon that babies have light weight.
Babies that have light weight when they are born easily
catch diabetes and diseases about respiratory system. Therefore, every day,
adding 400mcg of folic acid from becoming pregnant to 12th week as
well as diet with a lot of folic acids (including green vegetable, bread, grain
for breakfast) during pregnancy is completely necessary to pregnant women.

Pregnant women
should add 400mcg of folic acid every day during pregnancy.
Eat with right way
In this period, pregnant women need to increase 15% the
amount of calories comparing with normal time (about 200-300 calories/day).
Moreover, adding mixture of vitamins and minerals are
essential thing in this period.
Pregnant women shouldn’t think wrongly that becoming
pregnant means that you need to eat more. The important thing is that you have
to eat with enough nutrients.