Tone up home or on holiday with this
do-anywhere band workout
Can’t resist fitting in a workout when
you’re on holiday? This 10-minutes routine makes it all the more easy. With
simple moves using just an exercise band, we’ve designed a quick workout that
will work your arms, legs and bottom – and burn a few of those excess holiday
calories, too!
How to do it
Warm up by jogging on the spot for a few
minutes, followed by arm and hip circles to open your joints and increase your
body temperature. Then do the following workout as a circuit, performing and
completing the number of reps stated for each move. Once you have completed all
the moves, rest for 30 seconds before you repeat the circuit.
Aim to do the circuit three times per
session for best results, and remember to stretch and cool down properly to
save you and your body from any muscle soreness or injuries.
1. Squat standing on band
Works: Legs, bottom, core and upper back
Reps: 15
Stand on the middle of an exercise band,
with your feet hip-width apart, holding one end in each hand (a). Bend your
knees ad if you were going to sit down, keeping your arms and back straight
(b). As you reach the lowest point of your squat, push through your heels to
power back to the starting position and repeat.

standing on band
2. Seated row
Works: Upper back, biceps and shoulders
Reps: 15
Sit on the floor with your legs straight
out in front of you. Loop the resistance band around your feet and hold one end
in each hand with your arms extended straight in front of you. Keep your back
straight and shoulders back (a). Keeping your elbows close to your side, pull
the band back towards your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together (b).
Pause and return to the original position.

3. Oblique pull over
Works: Upper back, arms, abs, obliques and
Reps: 15 on each side
Hold one end of the band in each hand with
your arms overhead forming a Y. Pull the band tight and lift your right leg to
hip height, with your knee bent and toes pointing out to the side (a). Keeping
your left arm still, engage your obliques by pulling your right elbow down to
the side and lift your right knee to meet it (b). Avoid rounding your back and
keep your left arm in line with your ears, all the time squeezing your core and
glutes. Straighten your body back to the starting position and repeat.

pull over
4. Tube walk
Works: Abs, bottom and outer thighs
Reps: 10 on each side
Stand on the middle of the band, feet
shoulder-width apart and holding one end of the band in each of your hands.
Cross the band in front of your body to make an X, with your right hand in
front of your right hip (a). Standing tall take a small step to the right with
your right foot (b), then follow by stepping with your left foot to the right.
Take 10 steps to the right, then switch direction.
