A shiny and healthy hair is one of the most
effective attractions to men.

for a shiny hair
Only combing hair regularly and using
chemicals outside is not enough to make the hair really healthy. For this, you
must provide sufficient nutrients which are essential for raising hair.
1. Asparagus

makes hair add protein faster
According to nutrition expert Cynthia
Pasquella, asparagus contains lots of folic acid, a kind of synthetic vitamin
B, helps the body absorb more protein, which makes hair added hair faster.
Because asparagus stimulates hair growth more quickly, with 1 bowl of asparagus
every day, you will have a thicker powerful hair.
2. Garbanzo beans
Since hair is structured by protein,
keratin, you need to provide enough protein, your hair is not fallen and
broken. Garbanzo beans will help you provide adequate protein and manganese.
The beans are known for ability of preventing changes pigment, meaning that you
can be less worried about your hair turning into gray color.
3. Lentils
Lentils are an ideal source for providing
iron helping hair sleeker and thicker. Iron carries oxygen to hair follicles,
stimulates hair growth. This really is savior food for those who has thin hair.
4. Beer flowers
This herb is often used to make beer,
contains silic dioxide helping to strengthen hair from inside. You can give a
little in your cup of tea to drink, but this herb can make you drowsy, so best
to drink before bed.
5. Tomatoes

are good for nourishing a healthy hair
Expert Pasquella said: "The tomato
rich in lycopene is an efficient antioxidant food, which helps to maintain
level of collagen in body, so good for nourishing a shiny and healthy
hair". In fact, tomatoes are higher levels of lycopene if cooked, so you
can make as many dishes such as sauce or pizza.
6. Protein powder of hemp
You can add a cup of hemp powder into the
milkshake to provide essential fatty acids for your hair. This powder contains
plentiful levels of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acid. If lacking of essential
fatty acids, your scalp will be dry and your hair easy to split ends.
7. Avocadoes
Avocadoes have been famous for its amazing
ability of caring for hair for a long time. Avocadoes are rich in vitamins B
and E; stimulate the scalp healthier and hair to grow faster. Avocadoes are
also high in monounsaturated fat that helps to moisturize the hair follicles,
brings a healthy hair.
8. Blueberries
Blueberries are the most plentiful of
antioxidants, so they assist to defeat free-radical molecules that cause split
ends and hair discoloration, maintain youthful and floating hair. You should
supplement blueberries for breakfast or snack to have dreamed hair.
9. Pure honey

honey is good for your hair
Honey is a very good humectant. But the
most effective and safe to use should be pure honey. You can add a teaspoon of
honey in glass of fruit smoothie or served with bread for healthy hair.
10. Coriander
This kind of vegetable is extremely effective
for those who have fallen hair.
Coriander works to clean the body,
remove toxic metals from the body
quickly. The toxic metal causes of hindering transport of
nutrients to the scalp, leading to hair loss, dry, and broken.
11. Aloe
We know the aloe vera thanks to its
function of sunburn treatment, but aloe vera also has a further function is to
stimulate hair growth. Aloe is very clean and helps the body absorb nutrients
better such as vitamin B, makes hair more shine.