Recently, accidents in process of giving
birth made many women die, making people worry a lot.
Consequently, many women want to be
operated to take fetus out to be safer. This thing causes pressure on pregnant
women and medical staff. I have some information to share with pregnant women
and family.
World Health Organization totalized after
comparing normal birth and cesarean with the following statistics.
Advantages of cesarean
You will not feel pain because only perineum
is cut and stitched; however, you will feel pain in incision. It will help your
genital organs not to fell when you are old and you will feel painful when urinating
after giving birth.
Things similar to giving birth through vagina
Some phenomena are bleeding after cesarean,
postnatal inflammation, not control in urinating (pregnancy affected),
backache, difficult urination, depression, newborn death (except for contrast
rank) , bleeding inside newborn baby’s skull, injury in nerve of newborn baby’s
arm and being paralytic because of brain’s injury.

has some similar things to giving birth through vagina.
Disadvantages of cesarean
You will meet some symptoms such as
bellyache, injury of bladder, ureter, and bowel. In addition, you can be
operated again because accidents in surgery. Moreover, thrombosis disease will
increase because of lying much after giving birth. The time that you stay in
hospital is longer and the ability of readmitting to hospital is high. In the
next pregnancy, forward placenta can bleed and womb can be cut because placenta
clings to incision. Your womb can be broken, and you will meet still birth in
the next pregnancy. Mother may die because of bleeding and blocked lung vessel
in process of operating to take fetus. Newborn baby may die because of respiratory
pathology and anesthetic shock…

to take fetus will make pregnant women feel painful and cause bladder’s injury.
Consequently, with the above information,
we can see that cesarean will be more dangerous than giving birth through
vagina. Hence, family needs to be provided with information about operating to
take fetus before deciding whether to take cesarean. Many pregnant women scare
childbirth pain, so they request to be operated. Many families worry a lot and
believe in feng Shui, so they request to be operated although it is not
suitable with professional knowledge. Doctors should determine not to solve these
cases and should evaluate and explain mother and fetus’s health. In addition,
they should give decision about operating that is possible with professional
knowledge. Only resident duty doctor (the person who have the highest
professional knowledge), leader or deputy of obstetrics, duty leader or depute
have competence to sign consultative report and decide which case should be
operated. We evaluate some operate cases because womb and presentation don’t
develop; however, if it is better in process of preparing for surgery, we will
invite their family to meet and explain and let pregnant women give birth
through vagina.
I hope that the above information will help
you change your outlook about operating to take fetus for people who don’t have
medical major. It will help reduce pressure for pregnant women and obstetrics
because there are too many families that are initiative in requesting to be